Good Morning everyone! Hope you all have that Friday feeling! 🌈🥳
A huge well done to AM, EM, DB, EW & GS for all of your effort on Epic this week!
A huge well done to these super stars still using Sumdog now and then too 🌟: AM, JF, AB, CM, S-MC, DB, GS 👏
Using yesterday’s task, can you say how many jumps are there between each number?
-4 and -7
It takes 3 jumps to get from one to the other.
Try 12 – 19
Activity: I can count on and back between positive and negative numbers.
Create your own question that involves negative numbers, it can be something similar to what you have done this week. Give it to someone else to solve. You can even e-mail me it:
If Clare has £25 but she owes £30, she technically has -£5 as she still owes £5.
Plenary: Go through each question and just say which number is highest OR write them out using the correct symbol < > , remember the crocodile eats the largest number.
Then enter the code: (This is the classcode idt2922.)
Select a book of your own choice. Will it be Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Activities: I can write clear concise directions.
Look carefully at this map. Your friend is lost in Fantasy Land. You must write short, clear directions to help your friend find the way home. Remember to include when they should keep quiet and when they should run as fast as possible.
To begin you must look carefully at the map and imagine what instructions and advice your friend would need.
Use this framework for writing your directions:
First you must…..
Then you……..
Now you can…..
Next you……..
Finally you………
Write a paragraph explaining how your friend ended up lost in Fantasy Land.
Now share your directions with someone. Do they think you’ve managed to save your friend? Ask them for 2 stars and 1 wish.
On Sumdog, you have been allocated 5 quick questions.
Activity: I can order positive and negative numbers
Optional Challenge:
What is the highest temperature over the next week?
What is the lowest temperature over the next week?
What is Greenland’s highest temperature over the next week?
What is Greenland’s lowest temperature over the next week?
Compare Cumbernauld to Greenland.
Choose one day, what is the difference in temperature?
Have a look at the map of where the UK is located compared to Greenland?
Why do you think the temperature is a lot colder in Greenland?
I have a new website for you to visit. It will give you access to thousands of books and I can select books for you to read, sometimes give you a quiz about the book and check when you’ve read them. There are fiction and non-fiction books for you to choose from. You will have free access until 30th June 2020
Then enter the code: idt2922 (This is our class code.)
Now click your name.
I have set up a book, ”Hero Dogs”, for you to read and then there is a short quiz. Let me know if you enjoy your book. If you read some of the other books, let me know the ones you have liked. This is an American website so when looking at the date remember they put the month first then the day so 12th May 2020 would be 5/12/20.
Have a go at logging onto Epic using the instructions above. Explore the site/ app. Read the book allocated or any book of your choice if and when you have some time. Any problems send me an email at
Activities: I can identify and name collective nouns.
Watch this video to remind yourself of collective nouns:
Activity: I can identify negative and positive numbers on a number line.
Use a number line to count on and back, here is a picture of a number line to help (all 3 are the same).
You can write the letters in alphabetical order or as they come in the picture.
Is 2 positions before 10. Count back 2 places from 10 and you end up at 8.
Therefore, a = 8
Another example is h.
H is 3 before -20, if you count on from negative 20, 3 spaces you land on -17 (negative 17).
Complete letters b-q
Optional challenge:
Go on to active learn (remember first 4 letters of your first name and first 4 letters of your second name is your username) password is woodlands and school code is 6kwa.
Allocated to you is the game: “Clam collector”. This game is like snake, it is fun.
I would firstly like to say welcome back to our online learning for this week.
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
I want to say a huge well done to you all. It has been strange times and not easy but you are all working hard and keeping your brains learning. 🌟
Thank you to all of you who have been trying very hard on Sumdog, I will keep posting our top pupils. I think we need a re match for Boys Vs Girls as some could not get on so we will try another competition this week.
Thank you to all of you who have also emailed me some work.
Here are some fantastic photos which have been sent over the weeks. I have also enjoyed reading your stories 💫.
Stay home, stay safe, keep smiling and being kind. ❤️
Good Morning boys and girls, it is Thursday but it has a Friday feeling, as you are off tomorrow, no work woo!
Check out these links from Mrs McMillan, other links are also on the main blog.
In our final lesson of the week, we’re going to build on what we’ve been learning so far and move onto 4 quadrants rather than 1 quadrant. Make sure you watch the clip from You Tube before you begin playing the games which all use the 4 quadrants but to starter us off here is today’s mental starter.
Mental Starter:
Watch this video to explain how to plot coordinates using 4 quadrants
Now have a go at these 3 games that all use 4 quadrants for coordinates. Which game did you like best and why?
Morse code, invented by Samuel Morse, takes the letters of the alphabet and replaces them with a combination of dashes and dots.
You can create these dashes and dots using long and short sounds, long and short light flashes, or just by writing them on paper.
You can translate these back into normal letters using a guide like the one above. (Or, if you’re really good at memorising stuff, you can learn the whole code!)
The Queen will commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day with a televised address to the nation.
The message will form part of a series of events on 8 May marking the end of World War Two on the continent.
The monarch’s pre-recorded address will be broadcast on the BBC at 21:00 – the exact moment her father, King George VI, gave a radio address 75 years ago.
Other plans include a public sing along of Dame Vera Lynn’s We’ll Meet Again, a song synonymous with World War Two.
It will be the Queen’s second televised message during the coronavirus outbreak.
Last month, she echoed the words of the singer known as the Forces’ sweetheart when she told those in lockdown “we will meet again” during a rare speech to the nation.
Firstly, I would just like to say a huge well done to those who have been on Sumdog this week: JF, AB, GS, AM, S-MC and DB 👏 🌟 Super work guys! Keep it up 🤩!
Update on Sumdog, as an extra practise on coordinates, I have set a friendly competition for THURSDAY.
It will be available THURSDAY 11:05am – 12:05 afternoon.
Who will work together and receive a higher score? 🤔
You have a few days notice, if you speak to any friends let them know about it incase they haven’t seen it!
This morning we are going to continue our learning about VE Day.
Unjumble these letters to create 3 words.
Activity: I can skim and scan to find specific information.
Today you are reading some non-fiction, as this information is about events that actually occurred.
What do you see in this photograph taken on VE day 1945?
What do you think is happening?
What questions do you have? What does it make you wonder?