Tuesday 12th May 2020 🌺

Welcome back boys and girls! 😁🌼

I have a new website for you to visit. It will give you access to thousands of books and I can select books for you to read, sometimes give you a quiz about the book and check when you’ve read them.  There are fiction and non-fiction books for you to choose from.  You will have free access until 30th June 2020

Go to www.getepic.com/students.

Then enter the code: idt2922 (This is our class code.)

Now click your name.

I have set up a book, ”Hero Dogs”, for you to read and then there is a short quiz. Let me know if you enjoy your book. If you read some of the other books, let me know the ones you have liked.  This is an American website so when looking at the date remember they put the month first then the day so 12th May 2020 would be 5/12/20.


Have a go at logging onto Epic using the instructions above. Explore the site/ app. Read the book allocated or any book of your choice if and when you have some time.  Any problems send me an email at dpark@woodlands.n-lanark.sch.uk

Activities: I can identify and name collective nouns.

Watch this video to remind yourself of collective nouns:



Can you think of the correct collective noun then copy the phrase neatly into your jotter:

A ____________ of whales.

A ____________ of flowers.

A ____________ of steps.

A ____________ of fish.

A ____________ of pups.

A ____________ of geese.

A ____________ of crows.

A ____________ of arrows.

A ____________ of thieves.

A ____________ of experts.



Can you come up with another 10 examples of collective nouns?


Can you come up with a collective noun for a group of teachers?  Perhaps you’d like to illustrate your idea?



This week, P6/7 and P6 will be in competition, BOYS VS GIRLS, Friday 11:05 am – 12:05pm using your knowledge from this week of negative numbers.



Recap what negative numbers are:

Watch the video, read the information and try the quiz.


Activity: I can identify negative and positive numbers on a number line.

Use a number line to count on and back, here is a picture of a number line to help (all 3 are the same).

You can write the letters in alphabetical order or as they come in the picture.


  1. Is 2 positions before 10. Count back 2 places from 10 and you end up at 8.

Therefore, a = 8

Another example is h.

H is 3 before -20, if you count on from negative 20, 3 spaces you land on -17 (negative 17).

Complete letters b-q

Optional challenge:


Go on to active learn (remember first 4 letters of your first name and first 4 letters of your second name is your username) password is woodlands and school code is 6kwa.

Allocated to you is the game: “Clam collector”. This game is like snake, it is fun.

5 thoughts on “Tuesday 12th May 2020 🌺”

  1. Hello miss park I am a wee bit confused because on the website it says to download an app and then make an account would I need to do that or am I doing something wrong.

    1. You can download the app but you should not need an account, you should be able to put our class code in. I will take another look.

  2. Ava read the book on the new app (which by the way she loooves). But we can’t seem to figure out where the quiz is for it. We tried to look. Will try again tomorrow thanks x

    1. Oh is it not there? Sorry, I will have another look as to where it goes once created (learning with this app too). I am glad Ava likes it! Well done Ava for reading the book 🙂 Let me know if there is anymore which you think are good!

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