Tuesday 21st April 2020 – Literacy

Good Morning boys and girls 🙂

I hope you are all staying active, going a walk, jog, perhaps continuing Joe Wicks workouts! I haven’t been very good over Easter and as you all know my obsession with chocolate, well… its’s back! So, I have begun the Joe Wicks workouts starting today!


So today, we are thinking about the “Teacher Comment” section. I would like you to take some thinking time, as much as you need. You could possibly discuss with someone else and think back to feedback I have given you, conversations we have had, all of the work you have done, things you are proud of and pretend to be me.



I can take on the role of someone else.

I can highlight my successes and a next step.

You, for this paragraph today, are taking on the role (bit of Drama) as Miss Park. This is like a “hot seat” technique in Drama, I would like you to take on the role of me and write a short paragraph of what you think I might say about you. Think about lots of positives, where you’ve had success in class, if you’ve helped around the class and school and a possible next step I could give you to try and achieve next year.


Read back over your paragraph before sending; check any spelling, punctuation and grammar. Reading aloud to an empty room or to someone else can help.

Don’t forget to e-mail it to me! I can’t wait to read your responses 🙂


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