Monday 20th April 2020- Literacy ✏️

Good Morning P6/7! 😁 I hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and had some time to relax with your families. Make sure, if you can, you get outside for a wee walk in the sunshine this week☀️.

As you have had a nice, relaxing break, this week we are going to ease ourselves back to work, as we would in school.


As you know, the teachers are writing your reports. As we usually have our learner conversations to chat with you all individually to find out about your thoughts and opinions of your year, Mrs Pollock and I were thinking you could all write a wee paragraph underneath the headings each day and e-mail your responses to us.

Firstly, brainstorm 🧠  either in your head, out loud to someone📣 , on call to a friend 📱or written down📝, 6 favourite moments of your P6/ P7 year so far (this could be related to a piece of work, a game,  new friendship, something in class, in the playground, with Mrs Rutherford or Mrs McMillan, assembly etc).


I can reflect on things I am proud of from P6/ P7

Wider Achievements

Write a short paragraph, explaining things you are proud of from school or out with school, which you then shared with the class.

This could include things such as:

  • achieving a goal you set yourself related to school, hobby
  • taking part in school activity days such as ECO day, Sports Relief
  • presenting in front of the class, another class doing surveys, assembly
  • achieving class dojo, V.I.P or star pupil
  • winning an award at a club
  • being part of Eco Committee, PAG or JRSO
  • Participating in activities at the High School; taking part in STEM topic with Machanhill Primary School etc.
  • Being a buddy
  • Reading Buddies
  • Monitor

This can be anything at all you feel proud of yourself for 🙂


Read back over your paragraph to a relative or friend and check for any mistakes.

This can be typed, written and photographed and please send it to 

I cannot wait to read your responses. I will get back to you once I have read them :). Looking forward to hearing from you all, missing you all very much.

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