Friday 3rd April 2020 – Maths

Morning 🙂  Today, we are going to finish the week off by solving addition and subtraction calculations using the formal methods.


Explain verbally to someone, the steps to success for completing an addition calculation. Eg.


  +  78


Explain verbally to someone, the steps to success for completing a subtraction calculation. Eg.




Activity: I can read the world problems carefully.

I can work out which type of calculation to use.

I can solve the calculation working from the units up.

I can exchange / carry.

  1. George read three books in January, which had 173 pages, 206 pages and 139 pages. How many pages did George read altogether?
  2. Shannon has been keeping a track of the number of calories she eats. On Monday she consumes 1760 calories. On Tuesday she consumes thirty more than Monday, and on Wednesday she consumes the same as Tuesday. How many calories had she consumed over the 3 days?
  3. Sally bought 3 photo frames, each costing £7.58. She paid with £30.

How much change did she get?

  1. In a lorry, there were 48512 pieces of fruit. 21235 were bananas and 13621 were oranges. How many apples were there in the lorry?


PE with Joe views from last week:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4,979,626 3,396,834 2,706,863 1,888,069 2,591,382
  1. How many viewers had Joe had by Tuesday?
  2. By Mid-week, how many views had Joe had?
  3. How many viewers altogether did Joe get?
  4. If Joe decided that Wednesday would be rest day, how many views would he have had by the end of the week?
  5. Which day had the most?
  6. Which day had the least?


Have a go at this game on Top Marks: 


Have a fantastic Easter Break: stay safe, help your families around the house and stay active 🙂 You have worked hard, make sure you have time to relax. Speak to you all soon 🙂

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