Thursday 2nd April 2020- Maths

Good Morning 🙂

Today we are going to focus on using the method of using doubles/ near doubles/ halves to solve addition and subtraction calculations mentally.


Use Hit the Button and have a go at the options for doubles and then for halves and have a practise.

Activity: I can identify and match doubles and halves

You have an individual game to play on Active Learn. The game “Robot Revenge” should be available for you to access. You can choose your preferred difficulty of Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Your username should be the first 4 letters of your first name, first 4 letters of your surname, if your name only has 3 letters then it’s those 3 and first 4 of your surname. EY yours is your whole name. Everyone’s password should be woodlands.


Play a game of doubles bingo with a family member or friend over Facetime. Draw a grid of 6 and choose values which are the answer to a double. Ask each other “ do you have double…” Eg “do you have double 40?”

“I have 80” and cross it out.

Or play it where you write down a number and ask if someone has half Eg. “Do you have half of 80” , “I have 40”. etc

5 thoughts on “Thursday 2nd April 2020- Maths”

  1. To get on to active learn it needs a school password too we’ve tried woodlands for password and school code but not working

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