Thursday 2nd April 2020 – Literacy

Good Morning boys and girls!

Did you prank anyone yesterday? Or did anyone play a joke on you? Comment below and we can make sure there is a smile on  everyone’s face this morning 🙂

Watch this video: it explains how we can use colons and semi-colons can join two sentences. 

Remember: there are other reasons why we use colons and semi-colons.


Meet two new types of punctuation ; and :  They can be used to join two sentences but also used for other reasons too. Read these explanations to help you.


  • Used to introduce a list.
  • Or a summary.
  • Or an example.
  • Or a quotation.
  • Introduces a second clause that explains the first.


  • Used to separate two closely linked clauses.
  • Shows there is some link between two things it separates.
  • Can be used to separate complicated items in a list (where a comma won’t do the job so well).

Exercise A:

Read each of these examples and match them to the explanations above.

  1. My teacher always says: “The colon is a funny little mark.”
  2. We have learned the following: salt dissolves in water.
  3. The water evaporated; I said it would.
  4. Salt dissolves in water; sugar does too.
  5. Our saucers contained salt; water and sugar; salt and water; sugar and water and water on its own.
  6. The water evaporated; it turned into water vapour.
  7. For this experiment you will need: a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt.
  8. Some materials dissolve, for example: salt in water, sugar in coffee.

You don’t need to write out the sentences again just set your work out like this:

Sentence 1- colon used for quotation

Sentence 2 –colon used for _______.


Look at these sentences.  Should it have a colon or a semi colon?

Write them out neatly and add in the colon or semicolon:

  1. Here is what you need _____ an egg, a candle and a piece of string.
  2. I like playtime _____ Josh does too.
  3. This story teaches us the lesson _____don’t count your chickens before they hatched.
  4. Playtime was cancelled ______ we were not pleased!


Read a book, newspaper, magazine or article online.  Scan your text for colons and semicolons.  Can you explain why they have been used?

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