Monday 30th March 2020 – Literacy

Good Morning boys and girls 🙂 I hope you have all had a lovely weekend!

Today, we are looking at the next Chapter of our class novel: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.


Read the recap I have created about CH 13:

The wolf found the Witch and reported that he had seen Aslan and the human at the Stone Table. The Witch then told the Wolf to gather everyone “as speedily as you can” and stated, “We will fight.”

Edmund rescue party saved Edmund and carried him back to the Stone Table. The Witch had disguised herself and the Dwarf into a stump and boulder to hide themselves.

Aslan reunited the siblings and told them not to talk about the past. Edmund said sorry. Then the Wolf came with a message; the Witch wants to come and speak safely to Aslan.

They spoke and they agreed that the Witch was entitled to a kill because of the deep magic.

Reflect back on these main events and predict what you think might happen next (at least 4).


Activity: (verbally or written)

Listen to Ch 14:

Think about this readers use of volume, tone and expression. Discuss with someone, or write down what did the reader do to keep your attention? (or not do?)

I can give full answers, using part of the Q.

Challenge: I can use an Action, Description or Dialogue to back each answer up.

  1. What did Aslan say about his presence in the battle that was sure to come?
  2. What did the girls see when they got up in the middle of the night?
  3. What did Aslan say when they asked to go with him?
  4. How did the Witch’s followers react to Aslan’s appearance?
  5. What did they do to Aslan before he was put on the Stone Table?
  6. How did Aslan look just before he was killed?


Inferential Qs:

  1. Why do you think Aslan didn’t tell anyone what was going to happen?
  2. Why do you think the Witch and her followers humiliated Aslan before killing him?
  3. How did you feel hearing this chapter? Why?


Finisher: (Remember, you can always email me your journal entry and I will get back to you J )

Write a journal entry Peter might have written about his conversation with Aslan as they were moving to the new camping place.

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