Please note – Homework is due on Monday 2nd October, due to September weekend.
We have all got 10 new personal spelling words to practise at home, based on words you have misspelled in class. Please revise these words and learn the correct spellings. Write sentences or a short paragraph including your words.
Maths – Times Tables
We are trying to learn our times tables off by heart and back to front and in and out! We each have a special Times Table Reward Card in class. For each table learned by heart, we will receive a sticker to confirm it on our target card, and an award or prize.
This is what you have to be able to do to know a certain times table ‘by heart’ (Examples given use the 6 x table) :
- Say the answers, in order, to a given multiplication without pausing e.g. 1X6 = ?, 2 x 6 = ?, 3 x 6 = ? and so on.
- Say the answers, out of order, to a given multiplication without pausing e.g. 8×6=?, 3×6=?, 6×6=?
- Say the stations of the table Forwards e.g 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72 AND Backwards e.g. 72, 66, 60, 54, 48, 42, 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6, 0.
- Answer tables asked with the digits in either order, without thinking e.g. 3×6=? and 6×3=?
- Answer the corresponding division facts e.g. 42 divided by 6 = ?
- Know the ‘fact family’ for each table fact e.g.
30 divided by 5=6
30 divided by 6=5
SO… That is a lot you need to know by heart for one times table!
Choose one or two times tables, of your choice, to focus on for homework to learn in this way. Practise, practise, practise!
Ideas to practise – write them down, say them aloud, sing them, get someone at home to give you a challenge, play times tables games online, have a competition with some one at home – can you beat them?
Good Luck! I hope I will be giving out times table awards very soon!
Health and Wellbeing – Staying SAFE!
We are learning about how to stay safe when confronted with ‘peer pressure’.
Discuss and write about a scenario where you may feel pressured into something you shouldn’t or don’t want to do. What is the situation? How would you feel? What would do? How could you handle the situation?