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Wednesday 14th November

P5/6 had a very busy morning of different activities. Some of us were busy working hard practising our lines at Nativity practise, some of us were practising our spelling words using paint or hieroglyphics and some of us were creating posters to teach the rest of the class about Mummification.

Remembrance Day β™₯️

We were learning about Remembrance Day on Friday.

We have created a class poppy wreath display, created some poems which some of us were so proud of, we have put them into our showcase jotters. We also created Poppy biscuits. We were focusing on having a role within our group, the importance of hygiene and listening carefully to instructions and following them.


Halloween Creativity!

Last week, we were learning to blend and fade colours together to make a colourful Halloween picture. We were using our cutting skills to create Halloween pictures.

In ICT we were practising our finger placements and touch typing to type up our individual Halloween stories to create and publishΒ our class Halloween book.


Halloween Poems πŸ‘€πŸŽƒπŸ•·οΈ

Yesterday we were writing our Halloween poems. We had the option of either a rhyme, haiku or acrostic poems.

A rhyme is a multi stanza poem that rhymes. A haiku is a three-lined poem where each line has a different amount of syllables. The first line has 5, the second has 7, and the third has 5. An acrostic poem goes down. E.g.



A lot of decorations

Running in fear

You may be scarred