Welcome back 😊

I hope everybody had a great September weekend. For maths today we had lots of different activities including jotter work, sum dog, group learning and class maths games 😊

This afternoon we focused on anti-bullying for health and well-being  before starting our  zentangle art 🎨

Animal adverts πŸ…

This afternoon we acted out our animal adverts we have been making. There has been lots of amazing partner work and really creative ideas, making our adverts has been lots of fun! ⭐️🐿

Thank you to everyone who gave in your handprint homework, it looks great! 😊


Rights with Mr Green – Article 3

We spent this afternoon with Mr Green exploring Article 3.Β  Article 3 states that all adults must act in the best interests of children at all times. We recorded some of things that adults at Woodlands Primary do to help us, some we enjoy and some we don’t.

But we know that decisions are made to keep us safe and healthy and to help us learn.

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Advertising 🦏

Primary 5 have been learning about persuasive advertising . Today we looked at examples of adverts from endangered animal charities and created our own animal organisations in pairs. We are making posters with our organisation names and slogans πŸ˜ŠπŸ…

Friday starter 🌟

Everyday we start with an independent starter task to think about some things we’ve been learning throughout the week 😊 Today Primary 5 wrote down some facts we’ve learned about endangered animals and shared them with the class 🐘

Have a nice weekend!

Outdoor PE πŸš΄πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

After maths and literacy today we had some outdoor PE where we worked together to try different movement techniques and practised long jump. We also spent time this afternoon talking about our rights.

This morning was the first online school assembly where we found out this weeks start pupil, well done Poppy for staying safe in school and treating others kindly! 🌟