P5/6 have been completing 15 minutes after lunch every day personal reading. We have been discussing what interests us from a book cover and blurb and that it isnโ€™t okay to begin a book and not enjoy it and choose a different one. We have been sharing the story lines of our books and our opinions to encourage others to try the books we are enjoying.

We have been focusing on place value in maths and working with 4-7 digits to read, write, order, partition and round.

In literacy, we have been reading our class novel for Big Reading. We have been taking turns to read aloud in class and have been completing work related to it.

Primary 5/6 have been creating our class charter, we were finding the articles which are most important to us within our class and school and matching the rights to our responsibilities.

We have also been using paint to select the colours which represent our emotions. ย Wait till you see our finished project!

In PE we were working on our team work skills. We have been making a bigger attempt to be supportive, encouraging and motivating to our peers. We then moved on to practising our dribbling skills to ensure we have control of the ball.


P5/6โ€™s hard work so far…


Primary 5/6 have been focusing on our health topic about our emotions. We used Rileyโ€™s islands of personalities from โ€˜Inside Outโ€™ to create our own. We realised that everyoneโ€™s islands were different because we all like different things, however some we all had in common because family and friends are important to us โค๏ธ.


We have also been playing bingo to practise our quick recall of table facts, number bonds and addition and subtraction calculations ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ. Huge well done to our fab winners!