All posts by gw16parkdeborah@glow

Christmas Enterprise Fairy Doors 🧚‍♀️ 🚪 🎅

Yesterday, we were learning to make salt dough and wrote out instructions for us to follow. We then designed our own fairy door to have a clear plan and picture in our heads before we started.

We then mixed 1 cup of plain flour, one cup of salt and gradually poured in some water whilst we mixed it with our hands till it formed a dough substance.

Today, we started to paint the back of our fairy door and completed the daily mile and PE whilst they dried and the. Painted the front very carefully.

We can’t  wait for Saturday!

Wednesday 14th November

P5/6 had a very busy morning of different activities. Some of us were busy working hard practising our lines at Nativity practise, some of us were practising our spelling words using paint or hieroglyphics and some of us were creating posters to teach the rest of the class about Mummification.

Remembrance Day ♥️

We were learning about Remembrance Day on Friday.

We have created a class poppy wreath display, created some poems which some of us were so proud of, we have put them into our showcase jotters. We also created Poppy biscuits. We were focusing on having a role within our group, the importance of hygiene and listening carefully to instructions and following them.