All posts by Miss Travers

A special snack!

Today the Elephant group helped to make pancakes for the nursery snack. They were yummy! Other groups were focusing on letters, sounds, rhymes and shapes. We have a new topic which is People Who Help Us and we are beginning with having a Dr’s Surgery in the role play area.

Remember Stay and Play next Wednesday.

Numbers and letters!

Today children had gym time  and had great fun moving like animals. At group time children were looking for their favourite numbers and writing some numbers.Others were looking at letters and sounds. For snack they had yogurts, fruit and a cracker.

Please note STAY and PLAY will be on Wednesday 24 th of January am -10.45-11.45 and pm 3-4. Hope to see lots of you there😊



Happy New Year!

Children have been having a lovely time back in nursery. We have some new starts who are settling in well. A big thanks for all your kind gifts, cards and donationsover the Christmas period😊🎁

NOTE P1 Registration begins on Monday and continues till Thursday. You need to bring a Council tax bill and birth certificate.

Christmas Jumper Day!

Today children looked lovely wearing their Christmas jumpers. They also enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings! A big thank you to everyone who donated to the Food bank collection.

Reminder: Friday could children please wear a plain white t shirt with dark leggings/ trousers


Fun, fun, fun!

Today children had lots of fun relating to the theme of Christmas. They made Christmas cards, played a Christmas tree game, sequencing the Christmas story, using picture prompts, made their own Advent calendar and we even had snow in the water tank! Children chose their own snack of ham and cheese sandwiches.

STAY AND PLAY tomorrow at 10.45 and 3.00 for 1 hour. Hope you can make it.

Getting ready for Christmas!

Yesterday children were busy making some green Christmas play dough, making a tree, writing letters to Santa and enjoying dressing up in our Nativity costumes.

PLEASE NOTE Could parents please dress their children in a plain white t shirt ( no logos please) and dark trousers/ leggings for the Nativity show on the 15 th December. Thanks


An icy day outdoors!

Today children were learning about the Christmas story and practising their drawing skills by drawing pictures from the Nativity. They were also practising their Christmas Nativity songs with the P1′ s in Mr Keirnan’ s class. Outdoors was very icy this morning so we only went out this afternoon. Children found more potatoes in our garden and enjoyed trying to find ways to break up the icy puddles.

A tasty snack!

Today for group time, children had a gingerbread person to decorate. When they finished it, they ate it for snack. They were yummy! We also had a ‘drink all your milk carton’ challenge. Well done to all those who managed to drink it all!