All posts by Miss Travers

Lots of fun in nursery

Children have been having lots of fun playing with our new resources in our new look nursery. They have been learning to ‘choose, play and put away’ their toys and to share and take turns. Our garden furniture was getting its annual painting and this week we have plans to further develop our outdoor resources. While this is happening the area will be closed but we will take children out for part of the daily mile. Children were also making some Autumn prints using leaves and paint. PLEASE REMEMBER the nursery will be closed on Friday and Monday for the September weekend.

Our new nursery room.

Today children  all had an opportunity to play in our new nursery room.  They enjoyed playing with all the new toys and resources. Children in the afternoon also had some hot chocolate outdoors. Please remember to bring in a photo from home of your child for our nursery photo wall. Also you should all have got a copy of the school’s latest newsletter.

A lot of cooking going on!

Children have been making lots of different foods this past week in nursery. They made soup, bread and pancakes with Pauline which they then ate for snack. Yummy! They also had fun making pretend cakes using play dough.

You may have noticed that we are currently making some big changes to our nursery. We hope you and the children will like the changes we have made and we are hoping to invite you into nursery on Monday to see what these changes are.


Continue reading A lot of cooking going on!

Welcome (back) to Woodlands Nursery Blog!

A very big welcome to all our new children and to those returning back from last year! Children have been having lots of fun playing in nursery. They have been making gloop, soup using vegetables from our garden and homemade chips using our own potatoes! They also made pizza. Yesterday they got a letter from a special person, Aria and she left them a present! Some toys in frozen Ice!

Just to remind you that from now on you should come right into nursery to collect your child from their key worker.

A fun day in nursery.

Children had fun playing outdoors, exploring water and helping to keep the nursery toys nice and clean! Morning children who will be moving onto Primary 1 went to the Primary school playground to play with the Primary 1 Children. Children in both sessions will have further opportunities to play in the school playground with Primary 1 children.  Monday is Graduation see noticeboard for times. 

New Chalkboards!

Yesterday we put up our new animal themed chalkboards! Children  enjoyed mark making on them.  Note our school TRIP is this FRIDAY. Please ensure your child has a packed lunch with 2/3 drinks and a rain jacket packed into a wee back pack, They should have sun tan lotion on and wear appropriate footwear bearing in mind we are visiting a farm park- Almond Valley.

Fun times in nursery!

Children have been having lots of fun outdoors in the nice weather. They made fruit and marshmallow rockets and today had fun with the water outdoors and playing with gloop!

NOTE Could children please wear a grey or white t- shirt and dark trousers/ leggings for the show. Thanks


Last week children had great fun outdoors playing in the lovely weather. Children are really enjoying playing on the balance bikes.

We were also learning about the importance of exercise and brushing our teeth. Children made their own planet pictures and had a special space snack of different coloured wraps.

Health Week

Today we were focusing on the importance of keeping our teeth clean. We then brushed our teeth. For snack we had special ‘space wraps!’ We had fun outdoors and in the afternoon we made giant bubbles. Tomorrow is the Pre school transition lunch with parents at 12.30