All posts by Miss Travers

Halloween is Coming!

Last week children had lots of fun around the theme of Halloween. They made magic potions, compared the size and weights of pumpkins compared to other fruits and vegetables and practised some games for their upcoming party. HALLOWEEN PARTY is ON Wednesday 31st October normal times. We also had ‘Mini Movers’ in again. They will next be coming in on Wednesday 7 th of November to show parents what children have been learning. Letters will be issued soon.

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Autumn in nursery

JToday children helped to carve out a pumpkin, made collage pictures using Autumn colours and were playing with the woodland cottage in the small word. They had cereal for snack and were helping to cut out leaves to make our climbing frame into a tree. Next WEDNESDAY is our HALLOWEEN PARTY. Fancy dress but nothing too scary please😊.

Apple Crumble!

Today children helped to finish making our apple crumble. Most of the children tried some and some liked it more than others! If you have any news that your child would like to share with their group or the nursery, we can put it onto our nursery ‘Group wall’ if it was a photo, certificate or even a drawing.

Baking day!

Yesterday children helped to prepare crumble mixture for snack today of apple. crumble. Children had wheetabix or cornflakes for snack with apples, bananas and carrots. Children have been enjoying playing in our new outdoor area.

NB Parent’s Meetings will be on Nov. 1St You should receive a letter today.

A busy day in nursery!

Children has fun creating pictures using paint and collage and exploring Autumn related resources in our sensory area.

NB PHTOGRAPHER tomorrow! Also could you please make sure your child has a change of clothes that are kept in nursery in case they get wet in the water, playing outdoors or for any other accidents that might happen. If your child borrows some nursery clothing could we please have it returned- thanks.

Mini Movers!

On Wednesday we had the Mini Movers in both the morning and afternoon sessions. Darren and Kerr were the trainers and they will be here every week for a 5 week block to educate children on keeping healthy and teaching them some football related skills. This week they were asking children to identify healthy and unhealthy foods. We have included a picture of the counting rhyme we are currently learning.

Please note the PHTOGRAPHER will be here on Tuesday!


Children have been painting using Autumn colours and then we went out for an Autumn walk, looking at the different colours in the trees and leaves. We had fun splashing in puddles and collecting leaves for our sensory tray.

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