Today children were digging in the sand and learning to balance on scooters outdoors. They enjoyed homemade lentil soup for snack and were learning about the letters in their names. In construction a t-Rex was built and children were pouring and exploring the properties of water.
All posts by Miss Travers
A busy day in nursery.
Yesterday children had lots of fun playing together, sharing resources and exploring different materials in lots of different areas of the nursery.
Lots to learn in nursery!
Yesterday children were busy mark making on the ipad, creating pictures using hammered shapes, creating Chinese fans and looking for numbers outdoors. NB The nursery is closed on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
Lots to do in nursery!
Today children had lots of fun in nursery. Outdoors they were playing in the sand, water, digging and chalking. Indoors they had fun playing games, completing jigsaws, writing and making Chinese lanterns for Chinese New Year. They had home made lentil soup for snack.
Cafe day!
Today children had a special cafe style snack of toast with beans or spaghetti or with sausages, followed by yoghurt. They all enjoyed it! Children also had fun exploring the ice outside in the garden area.
Fun in nursery!
Children had lots of fun learning to turn take and share resources, exploring some of the properties of water, making ‘snow dough’ , helping to choose snack and completing jigsaws.
Stay and play
We had lots of parents and carers come to nursery for Stay and Play yesterday. It was a lovely day and everyone enjoyed themselves. Today children had fun at the creative tables making collages and bracelets and were busy constructing models and having fun outdoors.
Yesterday the children had lots of fun playing in the snow! Afterwards we had a snack of hot chocolate, fruit and biscuits!
Lots to learn in nursery!
Today children were very busy, drawing pictures and writing their names, playing in our Post Office, singing nursery rhymes, printing snowmen pictures,, playing sound games and lots, lots more! For snack they had ham, apples cheese and yogurts.
Fun in nursery!
Yesterday children had lots of fun in nursery playing with our new resources in our ‘Fairytale Land’ area. They were busy completing jigsaws, playing musical instruments and singing nursery rhymes, exploring mark making outdoors and playing on the climbing frame. Snack was tomato soup, crackers and vegetables/fruit.