“The smallest shark is the size of half a ruler and the biggest shark is almost as big as three classrooms.” – Eilidh
“Some jellyfish sleep during the day and they are awake at night.” – Harvey
“A blobfish just opens it’s mouth and the food falls in.” – Abira
“You can see the bones of an x-ray fish right through it’s skin.” – Jessica
“Fish are cold-blooded” – Ellie-Mae
“A shark will eat you if it mistakes you for a seal.” – James
“Jellyfish will sting you.” – Sophia
“The blue shark has five gills.” – Mitchell
“There are two sharks that won’t eat you, the basking shark and the whale shark.” – Liam
“Fish lay eggs.” – Kady-Anne
“The Crown of Thorns starfish has toxic spines.” – Ava
Well done P2a! Looks like you have been learning a lot about your under the sea topic! Keep up the good work!