Today we have been learning about living and non-living things. We sorted pictures into the categories of living and non-living.
“Living things are things that can breathe.” – Louie
“Non-living things can’t breathe.” – Juan
Today we have been learning about living and non-living things. We sorted pictures into the categories of living and non-living.
“Living things are things that can breathe.” – Louie
“Non-living things can’t breathe.” – Juan
“A whale lives under the sea.” – Cole
“Octopus squirt ink out of their tentacles.” – James
“A megalodon was the biggest shark but it is now extinct.” – Eilidh
“Sea- horses live under the sea.” – Sophia
The children of P5 and P6 have been involved in the Bkeability programme for Level 1. They have been learning the basics of balance, control and making turns. They have had a lot of fun practising these skills in the playground.
Look at the beautiful spring flowers in our planter. We are very pleased with our little shrubs of heathers, hebes and euonymus which have survived the cold winter months.
Last term P2a were very busy learning to tell the time and count money. The children wrote stories, poems and used persuasive text to produce leaflets to go with our topic “Welcome to Cumbernauld”. We chose a beautiful winter’s day to have a walk in the glen. We also learned about the people who help to keep us safe and thoroughly enjoyed visits from dads who are in the Police Force and told us all about the work that they do. P2a also had fun cutting and chopping vegetables to make healthy snacks.
After an enjoyable and well earned Easter break we have been busy this week actively learning about sets of 2 and 10. We have also started to learn fractions- halving. In PE we are learning to control a ball and demonstrate the different ball skills needed for different sports.