Class Topic: Our local area. Local jobs

Hi we have had a wonderful week in primary 2. Our class topic has been on ‘Our Local Area’ and recently we have boon looking at local jobs.

We asked if any parents or carers would like to come into the class to tell us about their job, and we were very lucky to have lots of volunteers. We chose the names out of a hat and invited them into to our class on Thursday.

We prepared by thinking of  good questions to ask and even had a pretend interview with Mr  Campbell.

We had a Rope access technician, a very interesting job, that involves climbing tall walls and hills to making sure that they are safe for train to pass. We even got to see some of the safety equipment they use to do their job safely.

We also had a nurse that came in to tell us all the things that she does in her job and how she helps little boys and girls if they hurt themselves. It sounds like a tough job, where you need to know about lots of things, but we are very glad that we have these amazing people to help us.

We realised that all of the things we are learning in class will help us when we grow up and will use them everyday in our jobs whatever they will be.

We hope you enjoy the Easter holiday.

Home Tasks for Mr Campbell’s P2 class

Hello everyone!

I know its been very tricky for some of my class to get to school because of the snow. But if you are at home I hope you are safe and warm.

Why not try some of these tasks:


Here is a maths game to practice our number bonds in the story of 10. put the pairs of aliens that add up to 10 into the spaceship and left them fly away.

Practice adding up coins to buy toys at this shop. Think about using 1p, 2p 5p and 10p like we have in class. (you can even play this game on a tablet.)



Why don’t you impress someone at home with how fabulous you are at reading with this game. REMEMBER to sound out those tricky words and blend them together.

If you spot magic E why not teach someone at home our Rap we know to help us remember what it does to other letters.

Remember to practice your reading book!


Can you spot any Nouns or o-e sound words? Write them in your homework jotter.

I would love to know what you did today if you couldn’t make it to school. Why don’t you write 2 FABULOUS sentences in your homework jotter to let me know what you did.

We have been doing lots of work in class on ‘Our Local area’

Could you draw a map of your street? make sure you put your house and any of your friends houses on it. Is there anything important near you, like a church, school, shop or doctors office?



I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. If you are going to play out in the snow make sure you wrap up warm!

Take care,!

Mr Campbell

Our Week at School: Week 8

Its been another busy and exciting week in Primary 2, here are some of the things we did.

“We did some calculation in  maths, in the story of 10”, Alison told us.

“We did our maths test, it was a little tricky”, Cerys remembered.

“We learned about the Penny Farthing, it’s a really tall bike from the past”, Aaron shared with the class.

“We have been using our travel tracker everyday”, Cameron remembered.

“We went on a trip to the Transport Museum, my favorite part was looking inside the big train”, Olivia was happy to tell us.

“We did some sketches of different transport on our trip, it was good and fun”, Logan M remembered.

Class trip: Riverside Transport Museum Glasgow

Primary 2 have been learning all about transport through the ages this term, we we decided to go on a trip to the Riverside Transport Museum.

There was so much to see, we even spotted one of the first bicycles, the Penny farthing.

We saw lots of old and new bikes, even one used in the Olympics. There were Motorbikes too, some had a sidecar and there was one we could try sitting in. We even spotted Mr Campbell’s favorite car.

There were lots of different types of Transport, we saw a bus that was pulled by horses and got to stand on an old fashioned Bus. “tickets please!”

We even got to try sitting inside, it was quite different to the bus we took to get to the museum.

We sure had a lot of fun.


Next we got to travel on the famous Glasgow underground (well a pretend version).

We got to visit an Old fashioned toy shop filled with Model trains, We crawled through a tunnel to get a closer look at them.

After a lovely picnic lunch outside in the sunshine we went to do a workshop called ‘Powerful Stuff’ all about the ways we can make types of transport move. We all wore Lab coats like proper inventors and engineers! We went around the Museum to learn about the different ways to power types of transport, like steam, electricity and wind. See if you can spot Mr Campbell in a very strange looking bicycle!

We had a lot of fun and learned a lot, here are some of the things we said in class the next day.

“We saw the old cars” – Aiden

“We saw a broken car, it had crashed it was mini”, Oliver told us. ” We also saw a three-wheeler car too”, he added.

“We saw a big big bus” –  Kayla

“We saw the very very very first car, it has two big wheels at the back and one wheel at the front”. –  Alifie

“We saw a blue car it was a bit different it had an engine in the back and the boot in the front” . Ashley

“We saw the first ever bike, I didn’t want to try and ride it. It was too high”. Connor

“We saw some old fashioned toys”. Noah

“We saw some old fashioned bikes and a motor bike with a side car. There was a pretend one we could sit in”. Millie


Our Week at School: Week 7

It’s been another busy week here in Primary 2.

” We did our spelling test, it was a little bit tricky”, Ashley shared with the class.

“We made Pita bread pizzas, we cut red yellow and orange peppers and we grated cheese”, Alison was happy to tell us. Sophia spotted our ‘ow’ phoneme in the word yellow and pointed it out to the class.

“This week we learned about old  and new cars and the very first car, it had three wheels and no roof,”  Keilidh remembered.

Olivia told us about this weeks outdoor P.E. “We did bike-ability with Mrs Scott. We rode our bikes and scooters around obstacles”.

“We finished our Viking long boat drawings so they can go on our transport wall” Logan H was excitied to tell the class.

“We tried some more tounge twisters, they are fun“, Millie told us with a smile.

“We made our own sentences with some ‘ow’ sound words” Cerys remembered and told the class.


Food technology: Pita bread Pizzas

This week half of primary 2 got to make Pita bread pizzas with Mr Campbell (don’t worry the other half will get to make them next week). We used our spreading skills to make sure the pizza sauce coved the pita bread base. Then we cut up yellow, red and orange peppers. We even sliced some mushrooms too.

Then we learned how to grate cheese to add on top. We had to be very careful as using a grater can be a little dangerous.

We sprinkled the cheese on top of the sauce and added some of the toppings we had cut. We took our pizzas home and they made a tasty and healthy snack or meal.

Here are some pictures of our delicious pizzas!

Our Week at School: Week 6

We had another busy week here in Primary 2, here are some of the things we did.

“We learned about Viking long boats, we drew our own and we are going to put them on the wall” said Cerys.

“We had assembly, and Kyla got an award for her neat handwriting” Alison told the class.

“Our topic is transport through the ages and this week we learned about steam trains” Madison remembered.

“We did some singing with Mr Campbell, we sang the name song and tried a tounge twister” said Harvey

“We used our Magnetic boards to make words with our new sound this week ‘ea’ “ Aiden shared with the class

“We did some sums in maths we did adding and take away to 10” Millie was excited to tell us.

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