S4 Practical Cookery
Task 1 – Complete the Costing form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZLrb79VTZxDtgyULDt78qJUNUdZMUcwQjVGS003SzJSNjczWTNGR1laUS4u
Task 2 –Complete the amending recipes task 3 & 4
Task 3 –Read page 129-131 of the textbook and complete the 4 sustainability questions.
Task 4 – Research the following cookery processes: baking • stewing • steaming, boiling • grilling • poaching • shallow frying/stir-frying
- Explain what each cookery process is and name a food you could cook using this cookery process.
- State if the cookery process is healthy or unhealthy and link it to current dietary advice i.e. “helps to reduce saturated fat as no fat is added during the cooking process” or “encourages eating more fat as fat has been added to the cooking process”.
Task 5 – (optional)- Why not get busy in the kitchen? If you have the ingredients why not try one of the recipes from ‘The good skills level 3’ cookbook or ‘The Taylor High Lockdown Cookbook’. Remember to tweet your makes/ bakes to @HWBTaylorHigh
S4 Health & Food Technology
Task 1 – Pupils prepare for coursework assessment task.
Task 2 – Live lessons have been scheduled.
Task 3 – (optional)- Why not get busy in the kitchen? If you have the ingredients why not try one of the recipes from ‘The good skills level 3’ cookbook or ‘The Taylor High Lockdown Cookbook’. Remember to tweet your makes/ bakes to @HWBTaylorHigh
S5/6 Practical Cookery
Task 1 –Complete the REHIS Revision 4 Form Quiz. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZLrb79VTZxDtgyULDt78qJUQzdGN1lWVk5NTlEzVFJQRE4zTDhJR1NUVS4u
Task 2 –Scottish Dietary Goals – Watch the video, then create a presentation to inform the public about the Scottish Dietary goals. Ensure you include:
- Name and describe each dietary goal
- Explain how each dietary goal helps to contribute to good health.
- Include suitable pictures, photos or drawings to enhance the factsheet
Task 3 – (optional)- Why not get busy in the kitchen? If you have the ingredients why not try one of the recipes from ‘The good skills level 3’ cookbook or ‘The Taylor High Lockdown Cookbook’. Remember to tweet your makes/ bakes to @HWBTaylorHigh
S5/6 Health & Food Technology
Task 1 – Pupils prepare for coursework assessment task.
Task 2 – Live lessons have been scheduled for contemporary food issues unit.
Task 3 – (optional)- Why not get busy in the kitchen? If you have the ingredients why not try one of the recipes from ‘The good skills level 3’ cookbook or ‘The Taylor High Lockdown Cookbook’. Remember to tweet your makes/ bakes to @HWBTaylorHigh
S5/6 Practical Cake Craft
Task 1 – Create a revision resource for each method of cake making
Task 2 – Read through the command word PPT presentation . Take a copy of the command word table and complete the annotation worksheet.
Task 3 – (optional)- Why not get busy in the kitchen? If you have the ingredients why not try one of the recipes from ‘The good skills level 3’ cookbook or ‘The Taylor High Lockdown Cookbook’. Remember to tweet your makes/ bakes to @HWBTaylorHigh