Pupils will be working on Added Value and will find the PowerPoint/PDF in the Files section. You will also be expected to submit finished tasks and submit these to your teacher for feedback.
S3 English
Pupils are working on a Persuasive Writing unit and the PowerPoint can be found in Files > Class Materials > Persuasive Writing. Pupils should complete the work in pink jotter, notepad or as a word document and upload it as a picture or file to the Assignments tab.
S1 English
This week pupils are working on creative writing and will be looking specifically at setting. They will be working from a PowerPoint that can be found in the files tab at the top of the General Page.
There are tasks to complete (they are clearly marked on the PowerPoint) and you can upload them via the assignments tab. Your teacher will mark these and give you some feedback.
eSgoil Tutorials
There will be an eSgoil tutorial for Higher English on Thursday 14th January at 10am. This tutorial will cover the Reading exam which is traditionally the paper candidates find most difficult.
There will be a similar event for N5 students on the same day at 2pm.
We would encourage ALL students at N5 and Higher to take part in these events on Thursday if they can. Details can be found on the school’s Twitter account.
S2 English (11th-15th January)
S2 will be working on a newspaper project starting this week. The unit covers diffferent aspects of journalism and culminates in students getting a chance to write their own front page story on the events of the poem “The Ballad of Billy Rose” which they studied before Chirstmas.
One of the aspects of reading newspapers which students find difficult is the style and language involved. Given that the N5 and Higher exam almost always contain a newspaper report in Paper I and that being able to handle news stories is an essential life skill we would encourage students to read news stories online as much as they can. Time interacting with a quality news story is never time wasted !
Mrs Burton’s Higher English Class
This week we will be working on “Jekyll & Hyde”. On Monday students can work on the materials for chapter 5 and ensue they have completed all the review exercises. On Tuesday I plan to read chapter 6 with students and allow for questions and discussion as we go. On Thursday there is an eSgoil tutorial on the Reading exam at 10am, students should take part in this tutorial (unless they have an online lesson at this point or cannot access eSgoil) on this important part of the exam. This tutorial will replace any classwork for Thursday.
I have set up a meeting in MS Teams in my channel for each of the double periods to allow students to come on and ask questions and seek any help they may need. Students should keep cameras off.
Online Learning
As a faculty we are looking forward to starting online learning on Monday 11th January. We have worked hard to maximise learning and teaching during this time.
Each week the blog will contain an overview of what each class will be working on. More detailed information can be found in the individual MS Team. Teachers are available via their Glow email if pupils have questions or need support. Work should be uploaded and sent to teachers as requested to allow for feedback.
If anyone has any issus accessing MS Teams or regarding Language learning then they can contact me by emailing: gw09burtonmary@glow.sch.uk
We can make this work if we all work together.
Mrs Burton
N5 Spanish
Between now and Christmas classes will be focusing on starting to prepare for their Talking exam. All pupils should have a presentation prepared on the topic of school by the time we are starting back in January. Teachers will take time to explain this to their individual classes, including how to access support with this from Teams.
S3 Spanish
This week S3 are working on School and Future plans as well as learning the conditional tense. By Friday everyone should have completed the School and Future Plans reading and worked through the PowerPoint to learn to use the conditional tense. Both of these files can be found on Teams.
S2 Spanish
This week S2 are revising the topic En Casa and preparing for their Speaking Assessment. Resources to revise and help prepare speaking can be found on Teams.