S3 English

This week S3 are continuing to work on their Persuasive Writing unit. They will analyse an example of a persuasive speech and begin planning and writing their own letter to the Prime Minister, or an addressee of their choice, on issues that are damaging our environment. Pupils should draw upon any solutions to current environmental issues and include their own research. The Powerpoint can be found in Class Materials on MS Teams.

S1 English

S1 pupils are moving on to the final lesson in the Setting unit where they can edit and improve their writing.

Higher Spanish

This week pupils are practising their reading and listening skills on the topic of Learning. They should complete a directed writing task and send finalised speaking questions to Mrs Jackson, if they haven’t already done so.

S4 N5 Spanish

S4 Pupils should continue to prepare the Talking Presentation and Questions. Complete exercises given last week. There were Grammar, Reading and Listening. In addition to this, pupils should now begin the topic of Technology and write a Job Application Letter.

S2 Spanish

This week,  pupils should complete the worksheet “En el pueblo” as well as continuing to work through the accompanying PowerPoint. More detailed instructions can be found on the Teams page.

S3 Spanish

Pupils are not timetabled for Spanish this week. If they have not yet completed last week’s work they should do so and send it to their teacher.

S1 Spanish

This week, S1 pupils are continuing work on the topic of Family and Pets. The PowerPoints and Worksheets to complete are available on MS Teams and pupils should send work to their teachers.

S1 French

This week, pupils are building up vocabulary on family and pets and learning two key verbs. They are also finishing with drawing pictures of pet animals and labelling them.

Burns Day

Today is Burns Day, the day we celebrate the work of the National Bard, 262 years after his birth.  Unfortunately we cannot celebrate the way we normally would however we have asked students in S1-2 to undertake a short research task today just to mark the day.  We wish everyone has a lovely day and hopefully we will be able to celebrate again next year.  Burns’ famous words from “To a Mouse” have never seemed so apt. “The best laid schemes o’ mice and men gang aft agley”.  Stay safe everyone !

Mrs Burton’s N5 English Class

This week we will be starting Act 2 of the play “Sailmaker.”  During the double period we will listen to the play while following it on the PDF.  Any student who cannot join the Live Lesson will find the links in Files on MS Teams to allow them to listen to Act 2 and also to follow on the text.

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