S1 English

S1 are working on some grammar and punctuation tasks which should be fairly straightforward revisiion tasks.   These have been placed in a folder in Edmodo.  Pupils should send their work to their teacher via email or Edmodo.

Pupils are also encouraged to read for enjoyment and watch both fims and TV programmes during this time, these are excellent for their ability to analyse and develop their ability to handle and engage with media texts.  Discussing these texts at home can be highly benenfifial, particulalry if you ask open ended questions such as why do you think the director did that/showed that or why did they use that camera angle or have the character say that or do that ?  Encouraging pupils to justify their own ideas by referring to the text is excellent preparation for the years ahead.

S5-6 N5 2021

By now this group should have submitted their Creative Essay for marking.  This essay will be submitted to S.Q.A. in Spring 2021 and will be part of their writing folio.

This group should now start working on the Scottish play “Sailmaker” by Alan Spence.  All students have a copy avaiblale to them although it might be helpful to have a print copy to make notes students develop their knowledge of the play and its characters.


Higher English 2021

By now this class should have submitted their Creative essay for marking.  This essay will be part of their writing folio which will be submitted to the S.Q.A in Spring 2021.

This week they should start thinking about their Spoken Presnetation which has to be passed in order to be presented for the exam.  I have posted Talking Milestones 7 & 8 on the website & Edmodo.  Students should work through Milestone 7 this week to refresh the skills and knowledge developed in Milestones 1-6.

Miss MacPhail’s S2 Class

This week this class need to pick a topic and start to research it. 


Miss MacPhail has posted a table on her Edmodo which the class should compete and send to her by Monday 18th May.

S3 (Group 2 – N5 2021)

By now this group should have submitted the first draft of their Creative essay for marking.  This will be part of their folio of writing which will be submitted to S.Q.A. in Spring 2021.

This week we are going to start looking at the Scottish Play “Sailmaker” which is one of the Scottish Texts examined in the Critical Reading paper.  Students have a copy of the play available to them, however it might be helpful to have a printed copy to make notes on.

S2 English

S2 should continue to work through the AVU, looking at parts 3 & 4.  The online lessons they undertook alst week from the BBC should be helpful.  The PowerPoint is available on Edmodo and on the website.  Please try to send work to your class teacher and if you have any questions they are available to help you.

S1 English


This week S1 should be working on the Mary’s Meals materials which are part of an Interdiciplinary Learning project with RE and Art & Design.  The materials are avialable on Edmodo and also on the school webiste.  There are links to the film Child 31 which students should watch as part of their work.  The film can also be found on You Tube (link attached)  https://youtu.be/aFU8cU-cICs

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