Visions and Values
The school community of St Patrick’s work together to provide a learning environment that is welcoming, nurturing, positive and motivating where all learners are supported, encouraged and inspired to reach their full potential.
We work collegiately to foster an inclusive ethos which promotes independence and
increases confidence, where learners recognise their success, talents and achievements.
Pupils take ownership and responsibility and are active participants in their own learning.
In doing so we create an ethos of inclusion, mutual trust and respect, where each individual is valued and equal.
At St Patrick’s we ensure that we are getting it right for all our children by embedding the
principals of GIRFEC.
We develop skills for learning, life and work so our pupils will be equipped to meet the
changes in their lives ahead and foster a concern for the quality of their immediate
We enable all children to have high aspirations to develop their capabilities as confident
individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible individuals to society.
We develop an inclusive environment, where positive, caring relationships based on trust
and respect ensure health and wellbeing is central to all.
We build on and extend positive, effective partnerships, through the promotion of Gospel
values, with Parish, School and Wider Community.