St Kevin’s complies with the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 as amended by the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009.
North Lanarkshire Council’s policy is contained within ‘Support for Learning Policy into Practice 2’, a copy of which is available in the school. The school has a Support for Learning Policy, available from the school on request, which is consistent with North Lanarkshire Council guidelines.
Looked After Children i.e children who are cared for directly or whose care is supervised by the local authority are deemed to have Additional Support Needs unless assessment determines otherwise.
Getting It right For Me plans (GIRFMEs) enable staff to plan effectively for children and young people with Additional Support Needs. Some children may have short term needs whilst others may need longer term plans and support. GIRFME plans are written and reviewed on a termly basis as part of teacher planning, these plans will be shared and discussed with parents to ensure targets are appropriate and understood by everyone supporting the child. Targets are written in child friendly language and are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely).
Some children and young people may require significant support from education and at least one other agency such as health, social work and/or voluntary agency to help them meet their learning targets. Where this support requires a high level of coordination the opening of a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP) may be considered. A CSP may be initiated by the school or another agency. Parents and young people can, if they wish, request that a CSP be considered and would be involved in the process. Parents will receive letters from the Education Authority throughout the CSP process. Parents and young people will be invited to take part in multi-agency meetings and their views will be recorded in the plan.