Hello from Primary 6/7,
its been a very busy week in Primary 6/7. On Tuesday we, along with Primary 5/6 attended Summerlee Heritage Site for our school trip in relation to our topic, Scotland. This trip allowed us to learn more about Scottish mining and how these workers lived all of this years ago. We journeyed down a make shift mine and explored houses which represented the different decades and how people lived in those times. It was incredibly interesting and we all learnt a lot.
In the afternoon we attended a weaving workshop where we learned about the production of tartan. We even were given the opportunity to do some weaving ourselves. We had a great trip and are looking forward to putting what we have learned into practice.
Crazy Hair Day
We have had a great day today for crazy hair day, organised by the pupil council. There has been some fantastic and wacky hairstyles.
Miss Jackson and Primary 6/7