Proposed priorities for this school for 2022-2023 Cluster Priority
Children’s experiences STEM will be enhanced by the increase the expertise and confidence of staff in STEM activities.
– Increase engagement, skills, knowledge and understanding of Science
– More STEM activities within the classroom and the use of the Science planners.
– Greater engagement of learners, possibly with aspirations to pursue a career in STEM.
School and Nursery Priorities:
- Attainment in Reading at Early and First Level will increase from 62.5% to 75% by May 2023, as evidenced in the combined Reading ACEL data. (Nursery and school focus)
- To increase the attendance of our pupils at all stages by 10% and to ensure that the school is inclusive and welcoming to pupils and parents so that they feel safe and supported in the school environment.
- Continue to establish a digital pedagogy across all stages of the curriculum, which engages learners and delivers a high quality learning experience for all children and young people.
Child Friendly Improvement Plan
Child Friendly St David’s SIP 2022-23 shared for classes
Please note that a full version is available by e-mailing Mrs Livingstone at