April 21, 2020
by Mrs Crielly
Good morning P6! Here is your plan for today. I will be on Dojo and Glow so send me a message to let me know how you are getting on!
1. Spelling – Group 1 – Here are your words: shoulder, argument, daughter, foreign and nervous. Write your words in alphabetical order and choose two to write a sentence for.
Group 2 – Here are your words: month, together, work, mother, none. Write your words using rainbow spelling.
2. Up-levelling sentences – Open this file in the literacy section. There are 4 sentences. Try to up-level these by adding adjectives and adverbs.
3. Reading – Log in to www.oxfordowl.co.uk. Here are the log in details again:
Username – stbartsprimary6a
Password – reading
Diamonds and Emeralds – Search for ‘Air Raid!’ again. Read chapters 4 and 5. Create a Main Events visualiser, recording all the important points from the story. Remember to include page numbers.
Rubies and Sapphires – Search for ‘The Personality Potion.’ Read pages 29 – 49. Rubies: Create a Main Events visualiser, recording all the important points from the story. Remember to include page numbers. Sapphires: Create a Beginning, Middle and End for your story. Write 2 sentences and draw a picture to tell me what happened at the beginning, middle and end.
4. Mental Maths – Open the folder called ‘Mental Maths’ within the Numeracy section of our Glow page. Complete ‘Tuesday’ of Mental Maths 20.04.20 Page 1.
5. Group 1 – Open ‘Division Questions 4-6 21.04.20′ in the Numeracy section. Finish off the questions you didn’t get to yesterday first, then complete questions 4-6 if you have time. Remember you might need to change the layout of some questions to a bus stop sum.
Group 2 – Open ‘Addition and subtraction mixed examples 21.04.20′. This exercise has addition and subtraction problems so take care with the symbol for each question.
6. Research – what life was like during the Scottish Wars of Independence. How was it different to what life is like today?
If you need anything, just give me a shout. Have a great day everyone 🙂