Primary 4/3 – Thursday 7 May 2020

🌈🌈Good morning to our Primary 4/3 Superstars!!🌈🌈

I have enjoyed looking at all your work and I can see how hard you are working!!  I hope you had a lovely day in the sunshine yesterday.  The blue skies were amazing!!   I didn’t see a cloud in the sky.

Let’s begin with our morning prayer.   Can you remember how to say the Sign of the Cross in Spanish?🙏

Morning Prayer 

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our day’s work,

we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school.


Now let’s say a Hail Mary in Spanish.  Close your eyes and take a moment to remember all of the people in the world who are in need of a little prayer.  We especially remember all of our NHS workers who are working so hard to help everyone who is sick in hospital.  I have attached a little card to help you with the words.

Once we have finished we will ask St Barbara to intercede for them.

St Barbara, Pray for them; St Barbara, Pray for them; St Barbara, Pray for them

**Primary 4 First Communicants**

Boys and girls I know most of your Communion Workbooks are in the classroom but I am attaching a link that will take you to an online copy so that you can work through your books with your parents when you can.  There is no need to print off the booklet.  If you record your work at the back of your home learning jotter we can transfer it into your Workbook once we are back in class.

Please read the copyright information below:-

“Each Sacramental Workbook is copyright.  Consent is granted to copy, distribute and share these Sacramental Workbooks up to the time that our Government have allowed pupils return to normal school activities.  They will be removed from this website thereafter.  In downloading the content you agree to these terms.”

Health and Well-being

Okay boys and girls, let’s get started with a little bit of exercise to waken you up.  As we have been using Spanish already this morning, I thought it would be good to show your family our “Hula en español” exercise we do in assembly!!  Remember to get them to join in with you!!

You can use your daily walk to make up the rest of your exercise for today.


To begin our literacy I have attached the following document for you to choose your starter for today.  Remember I gave you the first page to complete last Thursday.   You can choose one for today.

find a word

As you have been doing a good bit of writing in your jotters over the week,  I have set you a task in First News – you will see that you have to complete the comprehension activity on the UK News article dated 4th May.  I really enjoyed reading about all the interesting things happening around the UK over the last week.  Remember you can revisit the article at any time to help you with your answers.  I will be checking your work so remember to give a detailed answer when asked to type the answer to any questions.

To finish off your literacy work today, find a quiet space and read for 15-20 minutes.  Remember if you are unsure of any words you come across, use a dictionary to look up the meaning.  Also find out which part of speech the word is.  You could record them in your jotters.


To get us started let’s recite our tables.  Start at the 3 times table and go as far as you can.  I think you could look at your grid for the stepping stones challenge,  Try to beat your record with a few of your tables today.  Remember what Mrs Graham was saying, know your tables really helps you with your division work.

Please choose one of the attached worksheets to practise your tables.

First Level Numbers and Number Processes Multiplication activities

First Level Numbers and Number Processes Six Times Table

Well boys and girls you have been working very hard over the week and remember to try as many activities as you can.  Please do not worry if some days you don’t get everything completed.  If you need any help remember to email me.  I will be available all day and you can get me on or – you can also send me your work or upload onto Twitter.

Yesterday you looked at a very important event that happened 75 years ago.  We should have been on holiday on Monday 4 May but because of this important event the holiday was changed to tomorrow, Friday 8th May.   The link below will give you a few ideas of things that you could do, with your family, to celebrate this event.

I know our holidays have not been quite the same over the last few months, but you will be able to relax with your families as you are having a break from your school work until next Tuesday when Mrs Graham will be back.

Finally remember to make some noise for all our NHS workers tonight at 8.00pm.  👏👏👏👏

Take care and keep smiling. 😃😃

Mrs Boyce x 🌈🌈

Friday 1st of May

🌈 Good Morning Primary 4/3 🌈

Today is Friday the 1st of May, a new month, a special month as we remember that this month is dedicated to Mary, Jesus’s Mother.

As we normally go to mass on the first Friday of every month, maybe today, with an adult supervising, you could watch the live stream of mass with Father Campbell at 10.00 am on Facebook.

Let’s begin with our morning prayer and afterwards we will remember all those who have died:🙏

Eternal rest grant unto them O’Lord

and let perpetual light shine upon them

May they rest in peace.

May their souls

and the souls of the faithfully departed,

Through the mercy of God

rest in peace. Amen.

The Diocese of Motherwell have asked the school to share with you that every weekday during May, they will tweet a new video for families to do at home and these will also be hosted on their website and on Facebook.  Here is the first one for you.

DOM Daily Angelus Challenge CardDOM Daily Angelus Challenge Card

Attached above is a lovely card for you to record your prayer each day. 🙏

In class we would be creating our May Altar.  If you have a little space in your room or in your home, you could create your very own May Altar.  I have attached a powerpoint to show you what you would need.   May Altar


Literacy-Task – 1st May


Please log in to Sumdog to find your times table challenge for today.

Boys and girls well done for all of your hard work on Place Value.  I have attached below a link to take you to a wee recap of Place Value up to 3 digits.   This will help you consolidate your work from the last two weeks.  If there is anything you are still unsure of, please let me know and I can send you some more work to practise.

Health and Well-being

It’s been a while since I have completed Joe Wicks as we have been using our daily walk to keep active here.  I think I’ll log on to carry out my exercise for today.  Why don’t you join me!

If you have time and have not already done so, a little reminder about the road safety mascot competition.  Today is the closing date, so you still have time.  Remember to send a photograph of your entry to Miss McMullen at  All the details are on Twitter.

If you need me for anything today, please get in touch by email – my email address is

Thank you to everyone for all your great work this week.    Thank you also to all of our parents/guardians for making this all possible.  I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  Take care and stay safe.  Hopefully the weather picks up

Mrs Boyce x 🌈🌈



Primary 4/3 – Thursday 30 April 2020

🌈 Good Morning Boys and Girls 🌈

It has been great seeing all of your work and how creative you have all been over the last few days.  The character profiles, news reports, not to mention the beautiful poems on your Super Heroes – from Grans to Mums – I’ve loved them all.  Mrs Graham and I are so proud of all you have been doing at home.  Please keep sending/posting your work as it really brightens our days.

Can you believe that it is the last day of April and tomorrow we begin a new month?

Let’s start the day with our morning prayer.  🙏

I hope that you have been remembering to say our Guardian Angel prayer, especially at this time, so that they will keep us safe and well.  Here it is if you can’t remember it.

Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here;
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide.  

Health and Well-being

Let’s take time out of our day to keep active.  You have been given lots of different types of exercises to do.   Free choice today – what will you do?  Oti Mabuse, Joe Wicks, Go Noodle or for all the football fans you might like to take part in this – all you need is a football! ⚽️🥅


Here’s a little starter to get our brains working.   find a word 30 April

There’s no need to print just answer in your jotter.   At the bottom of the activity you will see that it is asking you to find some of the parts of speech we were revising last week.  See if you can remember them.  Can you remember what an adverb is?  We will look at those tomorrow.


If we were back in class we spend around 15 minutes going over our spelling words.   If there are any of your words you are still unsure of remember to practise them.  Take time to use the strategy that helps you.  Remember people use different ways to learn new words.


Make sure you read today for at least 10 minutes.  Find a quiet time and concentrate really hard on your book.  Use a dictionary if you don’t know the meaning of a word.  Reading expands your vocabulary and helps you in so many different ways in literacy.


For each word problem, underline the key information, write down the sums and work out the answers. The problems may involve adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.  Remember to show your workings in your jotter.  There are two steps Take your time and read the questions carefully.

  1. On Sunday I spent 98 minutes on my art project, and 35 minutes on my numeracy homework. On Thursday evening I spent a total of 100 minutes on my homework. What is the difference between the amount of homework I did on Sunday and Thursday evening?
  2. Dad drives a truck. Last week he drove 250 kilometres on Monday and 145 on Tuesday. This week Dad drove 150 kilometres in total. What is the difference in kilometres between this week and last week?
  3. One watch costs £1 and I bought two. If I paid with a £5 note, how much change did I receive?
  4. *I need to buy enough whiteboards for 95 students and there are 10 in a pack. When the packs arrive 4 whiteboards are damaged. How many whiteboards are undamaged?
  5. *At the fabric shop I bought 125 metres of orange fabric and 50 metres of yellow fabric. I have used 13 metres of the orange fabric and 12 metres of yellow fabric. How many metres of fabric do I have left in total?
  6. I got £35.00 for my birthday. I spent £10.00 on Saturday and £15.50 on Sunday. How much spending money have I got left?

Primary 3 – Try to do at least 3 questions.  Primary 4 – Try them all.

Challenge: Questions 4 and 5 have three steps.

Keep practising your tables and remember if you have got time you can carry out a task from your grid.  Remember you have Sumdog , First News and Study Ladder too!

Make sure you remember to take plenty of breaks and drink plenty of water.  Well done for all your hard work today.  Remember tonight we say a big thank you to our NHS workers.

Mrs Boyce x  🌈🌈


P4/3 Monday 27th April

Good morning boys and girls. Let’s start with our morning prayer and a Hail Mary for all those who are sick or in need of a prayer.

I hope you had a lovely weekend, the weather was glorious.  My girls had their paddling pool out and we had such a lovely time.  I would like to read how you spent your weekend.  Write me a few sentences/short paragraph about your weekend.


P3 Common words:

begin, follow, often, letter, woman

P4 Common words:

seven, seventeen, clothes, garden, yesterday

How can you break up these words?  Syllables? words within words? double letters?

Use your spelling strategies to practise the spelling of these words.  Use pyramid writing, rainbow spelling or flower writing.

Write a sentence for each word.

Read a chapter of your book.  Choose a character and write a character profile for him/her.  Draw a picture of this character.


Mental Maths  – use this link to complete a daily ten challenge of mental maths activities.

We will continue with place value, using resources available to you can you show me bundles of tens and ones.  For example in the number 34, there are 3 tens and 4 units.  Therefore show 3 bundles of ten and 4 ones. You can use spaghetti, pencils, cubes etc.

I would like you to be able to specify how many hundreds and tens and units are in a number. I have attached a worksheet for you to do,  I expect most of you to be able to state the tens and units, P4, I would expect you to be able to state the hundreds, tens and units in the numbers.

Place value 3 digits 2

Health & Wellbeing

Let’s think about our growth mindset.  Write a list of five things you are good at. Eg, football, dancing, singing etc.  Now, write a list of five qualities you have,  For example, what kind of person are you?  Are you caring, loyal, patient, loving, funny?  What makes you YOU?  Now, ask a parent/adult to write five qualities that you have.  Do they match?   How does this make you feel?  Self talk is very important to us.  It is not boasting or bragging if we say we are good at something.  It is important to have a healthy relationship with ourselves.  If we believe in ourselves and have healthy self respect then we have more to give other people. You are a kinder person if you love yourself first.

I would like you to practise positive self talk. Design a poster with the words “I am …”  Fill in the gaps.  Maybe it’s funny, caring, kind, loving, a good friend.  Hang this poster somewhere you can see it every day.  Seeing this will encourage you to be kind to yourself and talk to yourself in a positive way.

Have a great day everyone!

Mrs G 🙂

Happy Friday Everyone!

Primary 4/3

Friday 24 April 2020

Good morning boys and girls!!  Rise and shine, I think it’s to be a lovely day and it’s Friday!! That’s our first week after the Easter holidays over.   Yesterday was a much better day than my weather app had told me.  It was actually quite sunny and not as cloudy as they had said.  Today it has to be even warmer (fingers crossed).

So before we start we will remember to say our prayers.  Let’s begin with our Morning Prayer and we will say a Hail Mary and  an Our Father.  We will take time to remember all of the people who need a little prayer and ask God to keep them and ourselves safe.

Let’s take our learning outside today!!  Remember to put on some sun screen and wear a hat.

How do you fancy some shadow drawing!!

Today we are going to base our learning around your marvellous creations.  You can use your favourite toys to make a scene like the child in the picture.  You are going to use the sunshine to trace round the shadows of your toys on paper (single sheets will do then you can join them).

Look at your drawings, now you are going to use them to write.  What will you decide to do?  An imaginative story, a newspaper report, what title will you give your piece of writing?  It’s all up to you.  I can’t wait to read them, please email or post your drawings along with your stories to or or our Twitter.

If you have time remember to test yourself on this week’s words.

Thank you to the boys and girls who sent me in pictures of their work from yesterday.  Well done, I was very impressed with what you remembered about your parts of speech. 🥇


Today I would like you to continue with your stepping stones from yesterday.  If you haven’t given it a go, try today.  If you have chalk you might want to use that (if you are allowed).  Write the numbers 0 to 12 on the ground or on paper and test yourself on a table of your choice.  Keep a record of your time and you will be able to see how fast you can get.

Sumdog Challenge Update – Well done to all the amazing mathematicians who have completed their Sumdog Challenge.   If you can, try to finish before the deadline at 2.30 pm today.  I can see that you have been working hard on your Place Value.🥇

RE  🙏🏻

Let’s take a short time out of our day to think about what we have achieved this week.  We thank God for all the beautiful things that we can smell, hear and see whilst outside.  We can also thank God for ourselves.  Look at all the wonderful things we can do, how much we have learned in our time at school.  We are all unique and very special to God and our families, so we need to remember that and give thanks to God.

Boys and girls you have worked very hard this week and I want you to give yourselves a great big pat on the back.  You should be proud of all you have achieved and I hope you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine with your families.  Take care and I will be back again next week.

Mrs Boyce  x 🌈

Primary 4/3 – Thursday 23 April 2020

Good morning boys and girls!  🌈

Let’s begin our day with your morning prayer.  Say a Hail Mary and Our Father, remembering all the people that are sick in hospital.

I have set you some Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well-being tasks to try throughout the day.  Remember you can do them in any order and try your best to do as much as you can.


Let’s begin with a little challenge.  Remember our blue jotters from class.  You can use your home learning jotter for this.  Write the word:-


See how many words you can make from it.  Remember our rules:  each word must have 2 or more letters, no proper nouns and you can only use the letters from the word.  Off you go!!  How many words did you make?  What was your longest word?

Follow this link for your task.  Literacy Task


Continue to practise your 3,4,5 and 6 times table.  Have you played stepping stones?  Let’s start with the 3 times table.  Lay out numbers from 0-12 on the floor or in the garden (if it’s not too windy), then as you step on the number you multiply it by 3 in your head and call out the answer, move to the next number and repeat, all the way to the last number.  Now do the four times table.  Time yourself and make a grid in your jotter to keep a record of your progress.  How quickly can you do it?

Challenge yourself – jumble up the numbers on the ground so that they are not in order, it’s more tricky.

I have also set a challenge on Sumdog.  It will start today and finish tomorrow.  Good luck!

Health and Well-being

Follow this link for a new little challenge to keep you active today.  HWB

Boys and girls I hope you have a lovely day and that this nice dry weather keeps up.  Remember to drink plenty of water and to have your breaks throughout the day.  Be good and remember to help around the house.  If you need extra work remember you have your grid!!   Please send me in some pictures of your work to my email address or SBoyce@st– or you can get an adult to post them on Twitter.

Take care.

Mrs Boyce x 🌈

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