Primary 6 – Wednesday 3rd June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Wednesday, the day after the day it was yesterday and the day before the day it will be tomorrow. Everyone got that?

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

  1.  632,649-282,519 = 350,130 photos
  2.  438,670+234,548 = 673,218
  3.  406,938-366,264 = 40,674m
  4.  620,784-481,930 = 138,854
  5. 1,470,306+1,742,465 = 1,212,771
  6. 1,452,602+2,896,289 = 4,348,891
  7. 1,180,205-209,890 = 970,315
  8. 3,548,205+1,709,878+11 = 5,258,094 animals
  9.  4,332,892+3,769,247 = 8,102,139
  10. 3,882,675+9,920,249 = 13,802,924

Here are your questions for today.

  1. In 2011 there were 6,470,920 visitors to a theme park. In 2012 the number of visitors declined by 2,847,936. How many visitors were there in 2012?
  2. Reduce 12,825,087 by 8,596,729.
  3. In 1955, Tokyo, Japan had an estimated population of 8,823,000. In 2010, the estimated population was 26,444,561. How many more people lived in Tokyo in 2010 than in 1955?
  4. There are 36,570,818 video DVDs in the Netflix factory. 11,630,999 are audio DVDs. Find the total number of DVDs in the Netflix factory.
  5. Clara withdrew £12,670,889 from her account in order to buy a lot of shoes. The initial amount in her account was £96,832,790. Find the balance left after the withdrawal.
  6. Cathy scored 20,000,000 points on level 2 in a video game. She then scored 12,530,547 points on level 3. How many points did she score in level 2 and 3?
  7. Ben bought a Bugatti Veyron for £11,068,086. The estimated value of the car after 5 years is £6,500,990. If he sells the car after 5 years, how much less money would she have?
  8. What is the difference between the smallest 8-digit whole number and the greatest 7-digit whole number?
  9. Avengers: Infinite War made $257,698,183 in its opening weekend in the US. Avengers: Endgame made $357,115,007. How much more did Endgame make than Infinite War?
  10. 20,000 YouTube views a day will earn you about £25. If the video of your gran doing the worm went viral and hit 1,000,000 views in a day how much money would you actually make?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

Copy these words into your jotter and split them into syllables. The first one is done for you.

musician = mu-si-cian










I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

On Thursday and Friday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1’s.

I’ve now received letters back from about three quarters the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Giant Answers

Throw Answers

Bear Answers

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Cushion comprehension

Harry comprehension

Carve comprehension


Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

pentecost – story

pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.


I hope you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today is to be a bit cooler.

YOGA 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions).  Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke. 👏👏

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 1b- Wednesday 3rd June

☀️Good morning my wonderful ones ☀️

How are you all today?

We will begin our day as always, with our morning prayer.🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together in school. St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s overview:



oo sound 👀👩‍🍳

Yesterday you learned the ‘oo’ sound.  Did you manage to think of lots of words that have this sound? Look at the pictures below, can  you guess each oo word?



Common Words: play, no, look

Ask your child to think of a strategy to help them spell each new common word correctly. Ask  them if they can sound out any of their new common words?

The only word that they can sound out this week is look. This word has this week’s phoneme in it, l-oo-k.

When we say the word no, the o says the letter name not the o sound so we cannot sound this word out.

Your child has not learned the ay sound yet so we treat play as a sight word.


Once your child has written their sentences ask them to check that they have included their core writing targets.


How long is a minute?🕘

Have you ever asked to do something and someone has replied ‘wait a minute‘ or ‘you can do it in a minute’? How long is a minute?

We can see one minute passing on the clock as the minute hand moves from one little line to the next, recognising that there are 60 little lines around the clock. There are 60 minutes in one hour.

Sabrina wants to enter a competition to rap the most words in one minute but is not sure how long this is. Watch the video clip below to learn more.

What can you do in a minute?🤷‍♀️

Can you be silent for one minute?

Today I would like you to explore what you can do in one minute. 

You could use the one minute sand timer below to help you measure one minute:


Ask someone in your house to time you and see how many times you can do the following activities in one minute. After you finish, you could swap over and see if they could beat you.


How many times can you write your name in one minute?

How many times can you touch your toes in one minute?

How many star jumps can you do in one minute?

How many times can you count up to ten in one minute?

How many different words can you write down in one minute?

What else can you do in one minute boys and girls?

Set Tasks ✔️

I have set some time tasks for you to complete on Sumdog and Studyladder today.

If you have forgotten your login details for Studyladder, please send me an email and I will be able to give you them.

Telling the Time Board Game🕰

If you have a printer at home, you might want to use this board game to practise telling the time to the hour.



I hope that you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today has to be a bit cooler.

YOGA 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions).  Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke. 👏👏


Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

pentecost – story

pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.

🌟Primary 1b’s Wall of Fame🌟

Aria-Rose has been working hard in Maths. Look at her amazing Time work!

Daniel made his own lemonade slushie. Doesn’t it look delicious!

Enjoy today’s tasks and just try your best.

I hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday.🥰

Miss McEleney😀🌈❣️


Wednesday 3rd June – Primary 5

Good Morning, Fun-loving Fives!

I hope that you have enjoyed breakfast and are no ready to go!

Let’s begin with the morning prayer:

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.


Health and Wellbeing

I hope you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today is to be a bit cooler.

YOGA 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions).  Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke. 👏👏



Scholastic Shout-Out

Well done to all of the children below. Keep working hard!

Rachael      Lochlan      Luke      Keiran      Dubem      Sofia      Ethan P.     Aila      Ethan Y.


First News Shout-Out

Well done to all of the children below. Keep working hard!

Rachael     Sofia      Natasha      Aila      Dubem      Preet     Hannah      Ethan Y.      Euan

Ethan P.      Maya B.      Charlie W.      Rachel      Preet      Imogen

You’ve done very well on Scholastic and on First News. Keep in up!

If you haven’t logged on yet, please do so and I can add you to all those who are trying so hard!

Literacy Tasks

First News: please select from assigned Comprehension, Crossword and Word Definition tasks.

Scholastic: please continue with your selected book. If you have finished, please complete the quiz and choose another book. You should aim to read for twenty-thirty minutes each day.

Literacy: Recap of Yesterday’s Task

Step 1

Decide on six characters. In the game you have Professor Plum, Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard etc. You can give your character a title e.g. Lord Lime, Captain Chloe -it’s up to you!

Step 2

Give each of your characters a colour and  a few characteristics: for example, Lord Lime might be green in colour, he might have a walking stick and he might be sneaky, dishonest and cunning.

Step 3

Think of a setting. In the original edition of Cluedo each room belonged to a mansion with nine rooms.

You can choose any setting – but it must have nine rooms also. It could be a castle, a spaceship etc. List the nine rooms.

Step 4

Decide on six accessories the characters might have e.g. a walking stick, a metal briefcase etc.


Draw each of your characters just like Top Trump cards. The top of each card should show the name of the character. Their clothes should clearly show which colour you have selected for them and each should feature the chosen accessory.

On the bottom of each card, write a brief description of the character based on the characteristics. You don’t need to add any categories or gradings (e.g. Magic 70 above).

Keep your cards somewhere safe.

Wednesday’s Tasks

For today’s task, you must create two sets of cards of an identical size to those you made yesterday.

Set 1: these cards will show each of the nine rooms you decided upon yesterday. You will create a picture and a brief description of the room.

Set 2: each card will show one of the accessories you decided upon yesterday. The card should have a picture of the accessory and its name.

Keep all of your cards somewhere safe.

Task 2

Research the game, CLUEDO – if you haven’t already played it before. Make sure that you know the rules and that you know what you need to play the game apart from the cards above. Have a look at the board itself. How many squares doe it have?



Mental Challenge: Multiplication

Select: Level 3 or Level 4 or Level 5

Think carefully about which tables you know and which require more practice. If you know a table really well, don’t waste time on it…move to one you’re not sure about.

Select two to focus on and then choose one from the mixed section.


Over the last few days we have been looking at units of measurement used in weighing: grams and kilograms.

There is a reminder for you below.

Kilogram and Gram

A gram is a small unit which is used to weigh objects. It indicates how heavy the object is.

A kilogram is made up of 1000 grams.

Today I have some word problems for you. They are all about weight – and you will have to add or subtract.

Task 1

Bella is having a sleepover and she has bought the following ingredients for breakfast the following morning.

Croissants     270g            Muffins       440g

Buns              340g             Pancakes    315g

Waffles         150g              Butter          1kg 200g

Jam                710g

45 Bread Rolls

Remember to write out each calculation before you attempt it.

a) What is the total weight of the croissants, the buns and the muffins?

b) What is the total weight of the pancakes, the waffles, the butter and the jam. ( Top Tip: You might want to change the weight of the butter into grams first).

c) What is the total weight of all of the items (don’t include the bread rolls)

d) Write the total weight of answer c) in kilograms and grams

e) There are exactly enough rolls for everyone to have 4 and a half each. How many people were at the sleepover breakfast?

Task 2

Bella’s mum went shopping too.

She bought two and a half kilograms of cherries to bake a cherry pie.

She set aside 750g of the cherries to make jam.

a) How many grams of cherries did Bella’s mum buy?

b) How many grams of cherries were used to make the cherry pie?


Task 3

The postman delivered two parcels: one for Bella and one for her mum.

Bella’s parcel weighed 4kg 200g and her mum’s weighed 3kg 850g.

a) How much heavier was Bella’s parcel?

b) What was the total weight of both parcels?

Answers will be posted at 3.00pm today.



Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

Pentecost – story

Pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.

Thursday 4th June

Fun Art and Craft Activities

You might enjoy trying some of these!


I think that you have worked very hard today. Time to relax and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Remember to email any great work to:


Primary 1a – Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning boys and girls, how are you all today? I hope that you are keeping well and working hard. Let’s begin our day with our morning prayer:

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.  St Barbara pray for us.🙏

I hope that you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today has to be a bit cooler.

YOGA 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions).  Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke. 👏👏


On Monday Mrs Connolly introduced you to the phoneme “oo”, can you remember any “oo” words? Can you guess the words I am thinking of:

1. If you look up to the sky at night you will see me.

2. It is on top of your house.

3. You use me to eat soup and yoghurt.

4. I am attached to your leg.

5. Lots of animals live here and people visit to look at them.

6. When you are hungry you eat it.

Now I would like you to use you whiteboards and magnetic letters if you have them to make these words, if not you can write the words down.


Remember we use our strategy to help us with our phonemes.

e.g. spoon

Say the word👄 spoon.

Make the word/break the word- s    p    oo    n

Blend the word (push it together) – spoon

Read the word📖 – spoon

Write the word 🖊 – spoon


Today we are going to look at 3 new common words – play, no, look.

play – is a tricky word for us as – ay is a phoneme that we have not learned yet.
no – is tricky as we can’t sound it out n is the letter sound and o is the letter name.
look – we can sound this word out l-oo-k.

Write these words out 3 times each and make up a sentence for each of them.

Maths- Time⏰

Have you been enjoying learning to tell the time? We are going to do a little more practise over the next few days.

Remember… when the small hand points to a number it tells us the hour – the time in the day. When the big hand points to 12, it is o’clock.

Join in with this song.

Were you able to tell all of the times?

*Parents – this teaching clock is useful to ask your child o’clock times* -

Why not try this little game?


Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

pentecost – story

pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.


I hope you have a super day. Try to do your best, that’s all we can ask of you.


Mrs MacLeod 😁🌈

Primary 3 – Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning clipart 1 » Clipart Station

Good morning primary 3,

I hope you are all having a lovely week.

I am so sad that the sunshine has gone. I hope it comes back soon!

Scroll down to find your work for today.



Please log on to Scholastic to access your book for this week. Click on the link below to find your reading task for today.


The Sun’s Family of Planets

Animals of Long ago


Can you think of any fun ways to revise your phoneme words today?

What about using shaving foam to spell out your words. Have a look at the example below to see how it works.

Foam Spelling

You could also use play-doh or any of your own ideas.

Please take some pictures so I can see all of your wonderful ideas.

If you do not want to do anything messy you can rainbow spell your words in your jotter.


Over the last few weeks I have been taking part in a weekly quiz. It has been lots of fun and I thought you might like to give it a go. Click the link below and give the quiz a try. You can write the answers in your jotter. Good luck!

Primary 3 Quiz

Now I would like you to write 5 quiz questions of your own. These can be about anything you like. Write them out in your jotter and don’t forget to include a question mark.

Maybe you could test your family with your questions. If you email me your quiz I would love to give it a go.


Number Talks:

Choose one of the questions below and try to work it out in your head. What strategy did you use?

Red – 26 + 9 =

Amber – 57 + 31 =

Green – 68 + 34 =

I will post the answers and some suggested strategies at 3:00pm.

Today we are going to continue with our revision on multiplication.

Please choose the same colour that you chose yesterday. Watch the video and give the task a go in your jotter.


Red Task


Amber Task


Green Task


Remember our class Sumdog challenge is still live. I will post our class champion at 3:00pm today.


I hope you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today is to be a bit cooler.


We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions).  Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke.


Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

pentecost – story

pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.

Have a lovely day boys and girls.

Please send me some pictures of your work as I would love to post some of it on the blog for your friends to see.

Remember if there is anything I can help you with then please get in touch at

Take care and ….

Illustration of keep smiling phrase vector - Download Free Vectors ...

Miss McMullen 🌈😊




Primary 2- Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning my talented twos!☀️

Wow we are already at Wednesday, the midway point of the week! How did you all get on with yesterday’s activities?

This super star in Primary 2 was working hard creating a beautiful positive message to share with you all.

Well done Erin on writing an amazing acrostic poem.👏🏻

Let us begin with our morning prayer. 🙏🏻

God our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us use properly, the many gifts you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

St. Barbara, pray for us.

Here is today’s suggested learning activities- Wednesday-3rd-June

Remember to send me over any work that you would like to show off on our Primary 2 blog. I really enjoy seeing how you are all getting on with the tasks I set you.🌟

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I look forward to hearing from you all.😊

Miss Shreenan 🌈💛

Primary 7- Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning Primary 7,

I hope you are all up, had your breakfast and are ready to start your day. I am still waiting to receive some of your best memories, the deadline for sending these over to me is this afternoon so please try your best to complete it if you haven’t done so already. I have really enjoyed reading the memories I have been sent over so far, they have brought a little tear to my eye.

Let us begin with our morning prayer

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from our day together.

Yesterday I received some more fabulous work. It is great to see how hard you are working at home.

Connor and Charlie made some very refreshing looking slushies! Well done boys, I hope you enjoyed them!

Connor and Charlie- Slushie

Daniel has been working hard exploring this weeks’ focus homophones. He has confidently used each one in the correct context. Good job Daniel!

Remember to send over any work that you would like shared on our blog. I really enjoy seeing what you are working on at home.

Here is the link for today’s learning activities and some resources to help support you-

Wednesday 3rd June

Big Interview

Here are today’s Health and Wellbeing and This Is Our Faith activities-

Wednesday 3rd  June- Health and Wellbeing

I hope you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today is to be a bit cooler.


We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions). Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke.

Wednesday 3rd June- This Is Our Faith 

Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

pentecost – story

pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.

Have a wonderful Wednesday Primary 7 and remember I am just an email away if you need anything at all.

Mrs Butler

P4/3 Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning everyone, what a glorious day it was yesterday.  I hope you all enjoyed the weather.  Any work that you didn’t get a chance to do yesterday, try to do it today.  Your spelling words are the most important, these will keep you on track for when you return to school in August.

Morning prayer and Our Father.


Spend 15 mins this morning revising your spelling words.

During this time away from school, we have had to spend a lot of our time in our gardens or out walking in our local area.  Following on from your acrostic POSITVE poem yesterday, today I would like you write another poem.  The title can be MY GARDEN or MY DAILY WALK (or cycle), or SUMMER.  To begin with, I want you to use all of your senses for the content of this poem.  For example:

  • In my garden/During my walk, I can see…
  • In my garden/During my walk, I can hear…
  • In my garden/During my walk, I can smell…
  • In my garden/During my walk, I can touch…
  • In my garden/During my walk, I can taste…

Complete this and then use the information to create your poem.  It can be an acrostic poem using the words above or you can choose to write a poem with 2 or 3 verses.


Some mental maths to begin this morning with The Daily 10.

Using the Teejay textbook 1A, do page 142 and if you have time or want to do more, have a go at page 185.

Health & Wellbeing

With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to gw09grahamannemarie@glow or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.


The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation(if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.

Here’s a little update on our Shining Stars!

Our Shining Stars 1 June

Have a great day!

Mrs Graham

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