Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Good Morning! Only one more sleep until the holidays!!!!!!

Let’s begin with our morning prayer:

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from our day together. Amen.


National Theatre

As you know it’s Expressive Arts’ Week and  Mrs Goodwin has sourced some exciting performances from the National Theatre for you to enjoy. Parents: please read the exclusion information in bold below. Thank you!

In response to the school closures caused by Coronavirus, National Theatre is now offering username and password access to the National Theatre Collection. For a temporary period, plays can be accessed remotely ensuring students studying from home can still watch them.


Your access details are:  https://www.dramaonlinelibrary.com
Username:  6Msp3Xa&o&
Password:  4Ax#7FjYs!
(The Log in button is in the top right-hand corner of the landing page. Please insert your username and password to left-hand option of the login pop-up.)


If you copy and paste the details please be very careful not to include any invisible spaces as these will invalidate the details. These should be entered under the ‘access log in’ and not the ‘personal log in’. If you have any difficulties please test in another browser as some are known as having issues.


ACCESS DETAILS must NOT be offered to anyone external to your institution OR posted on social media. Thank you.
Art and Design Ideas


Picasso is well known for painting in the cubist style. Some of his paintings may appear a little strange at first – however you’ll have great fun copying his style!

Picasso: some strange faces!



Some Strange Objects! 

Finally, my favourite painting by Picasso: The Three Musicians

Just look at those faces, clothes and instruments! Look at the shapes!

Watch the video clips below and have a go yourself. Remember to email your pictures and paintings to your teacher. Good luck!

The story of the Spanish Artist Pablo Picasso


Some Ideas for younger children


Pablo Picasso for older children


Pablo Picasso for Everyone!



More Art and Design Ideas to try…

Remember to ask an adult for help with a glue gun…or use blu tack instead.



Ideas with Paper



Now, how about a school trip…try out some of these and let us know how you get on!



Virtual Tours

As it’s the last few days of school why not go on a school trip! Although it’s not possible to visit these places in person at present why not enjoy a virtual tour.  There’s lots to choose from.  Click on the links below.

The Louvre

The Van Gogh Museum

The Vatican Museum

The British Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art


Musée d’Orsay, Paris

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

The Guggenheim

The Getty Museum

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum Madrid

NASA – Langley

NASA – Glenn

Women’s History Museum


The Uffizi -Florence

Please email your work to your teacher or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Thank you!

Tomorrow is the last day of school before the summer break and it’s:

‘Wishing-you-well Wednesday!’

Remember to log in for a Primary 7 special….see you tomorrow!

Monday Update and Expressive Arts’ Week

Good morning everyone!

It’s hard to believe that it’s the last week of a very strange term and that summer holidays or staycations are looming!

Below you will find an update and then a celebration of all things art and design for the final couple of days!

Important Updates

Primary 1 Intake

Last week we welcomed our new Primary 1 children into our school community – albeit virtually. I would like to thank all of the staff who worked so hard to create the video clips, the Bear Hunt and all of the information for parents and children  to make the transition a little less difficult. Weren’t the current Primary 1 children superstars with their welcoming video clips? The Primary 6 letters and pictures were terrific too. Well done to all of you! Thanks also to Fr. Campbell for his message to the little ones too.

Wishing- you-well Wednesday!

This week we have to say good bye and good luck to our fabulous Primary 7 children. Please log in to the website on Wednesday for ‘Wishing-you-well Wednesday!’ to celebrate the contribution the Primary 7 children have made to the school.

School Information: August

This week we will be contacting you to give you important information in respect of the new school session, beginning in August. Please check your email regularly, including spam folders also.

Summer Hub

On Friday I posted information and a link in respect of access to the summer hub. In case you missed it I have attached the link below.


Let’s begin our final couple of days with our school morning prayer.

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from our day together. Amen.


Art and Design Week


What better way to start Art and Design Week than a super painting from Mairead!

Mairead’s Picture

I think that you’ll agree that she did a wonderful painting.

Next, take a look at Harris, Rachel and Freya’s wonderful work.

Harris, Rachel and Freya

What beautiful R.E. work…well done to all of you!

We’re moving from Mairead’s French inspiration to Spain and we’ll look at some paintings by a very famous Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso. Picasso is well known for painting in the cubist style. Some of his paintings may appear a little strange at first – however you’ll have great fun copying his style!

Picasso: some strange faces!



Some Strange Objects! 

Finally, my favourite painting by Picasso: The Three Musicians

Just look at those faces, clothes and instruments! Look at the shapes!

Watch the video clips below and have a go yourself. Remember to email your pictures and paintings to your teacher. Good luck!

The story of the Spanish Artist Pablo Picasso


Some Ideas for younger children


Pablo Picasso for older children


Pablo Picasso for Everyone!



More Art and Design Ideas to try…

Remember to ask an adult for help with a glue gun…or use blu tack instead.



Ideas with Paper



Now, how about a school trip…try out some of these and let us know how you get on!



Virtual Tours

As it’s the last few days of school why not go on a school trip! Although it’s not possible to visit these places in person at present why not enjoy a virtual tour.  There’s lots to choose from.  Click on the links below.

The Louvre

The Van Gogh Museum

The Vatican Museum

The British Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art


Musée d’Orsay, Paris

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

The Guggenheim

The Getty Museum

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum Madrid

NASA – Langley

NASA – Glenn

Women’s History Museum


The Uffizi -Florence

Please email your work to your teacher or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Thank you!


Updated Information from the Executive Director – Friday 19th June 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I would like to thank you all for your patience over the last few months and also in respect of organization for August. While we have draft plans in place, we are still waiting for local authority confirmation in a number of key areas. Once these areas have been clarified we will be in a position to update you on salient information for your children returning to school after the holidays.

Below you will find:

  • A letter from the Executive Director
  • Frequently-asked questions
  • An important update on Hub provision including a link for booking purposes

I do apologize for sending so much information on a Friday afternoon however it was issued within the last few hours.

Please find a letter from the Executive Director and a section dedicated to frequently-asked questions. Thank you.


Update Education FAQs

Summer Hub Provision: including a link to book



Kind Regards

Sheelah McKinney

R.E – Friday 19th June

Good morning boys and girls!😊

I hope you have all enjoyed Health Week and have being staying active.

Throughout this week you have been learning about different saints. You have learned about St. Anthony and St. John the Baptist. Today we are going to look at what it means to be a saint. What does someone have to do to be considered a saint?

Please cut and paste the link below to find out how someone can become a saint. Some of our younger children may wish to ask an adult to help them read the information.


As the article explained, saints are very special people. Watch the video below to see what makes them so special.

Now choose one of the following tasks to show what you have learned.

Task 1:

In your jotter write down the five steps to becoming a saint. You may also wish to draw a picture to show each of the five steps. 

Task 2:

Choose a saint you admire and complete the worksheet below. You may have to do some research. Can you find out what this person did to become a saint?

Saints Printables and Worksheet Packet (All Saints' Day Printables ...

Brown Bag Lunch Discussion - Catholic Info CenterCatholic Info Center





Have a lovely day and a very nice weekend 🌞

R.E- Thursday 18th June

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all enjoying our ‘Health Week’ so far, keeping active and healthy!

Let’s start today as always with our morning prayer.

God Our Father, as we prepare to begin our work, we ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts that you have given us, so that we may fully benefit from our day together.

St Barbara Pray for us.🙏

Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist.

During the month of June, we celebrate the Birth of John the Baptist. We celebrate his birth on the 24th June. So today, we are going to be learning about the ‘Birth of John the Baptist’. 

Who is John the Baptist?

John was the first man to publicly identify Jesus as the coming Messiah.

Before he was born

 John the Baptist is a very special Saint, before Saint John the Baptist was even born. God announced his birth to John’s Father Zechariah through the angel Gabriel. We know of someone else who had a visit from the angel Gabriel? Can you think who this might be?

Let’s have a listen to the video below to find out more about his birth and why it is so important:

God had a plan. He had chosen John to be the special prophet who would announce the coming of Jesus the Messiah.

Before you were born. God already knew who you were going to be. In fact, before any of the World was created He already knew every person who was going to live in it!

Just like God had a special plan for Saint John the Baptist. He also has a special plan for you. He wants you to be a prophet-that is, a witness- to Jesus for your friends and family. To do this, you need to stay close to Jesus through prayer and the sacraments. Do your best to live out God’s special plan for you!

Shortly before he died

John announced that the Messiah was coming soon, then baptised Jesus in the Jordan. After this, Jesus went into the desert for 40 days. When He returned, John pointed Him out to the first of Jesus’ disciples. Shortly after, John was arrested and Jesus’ public ministry took off.

Let’s listen to this story to find out more about Saint John the Baptist:



Let’s test our knowledge on how well we now know the ‘Birth of John the Baptist’ by completing one of these tasks below.

Challenge- write in the correct answer if it it false.

Here is a lovely picture that you could print off and colour in or you might like to try have a go at drawing this yourself. 

Please send your work to your teacher’s glow email or tweet us @St_BarbarasPS.

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday! 

Welcome Wednesday!

It’s ‘Welcome Wednesday’ and a very warm St. Barbara’s welcome to our new intake…the new Primary 1 children and all of your families.

While many of you are familiar with the school, some of you have never seen it before and you will have that opportunity at some point today.

On this special page  you will find lots of information about the school including a video tour, letters and pictures from your Buddies and a special ‘Expert Area.’

The Expert Area has been created especially for you by our current Primary 1 children.

We can’t wait to see you all in school in August. In the meantime, please scroll down and enjoy!

Buddy Letters to Primary 1

Please email your pictures and stories to:


Thank you!


Parent Council: Mrs Mackenzie

A message from Mrs Mackenzie

A Message from the P.T.A.

A message from the P.T.A.


Come in and see our school!


We hope that you enjoyed all of the messages and video clips! 


Finally it’s time for a story and a challenge.


Now for the challenge…



Happy hunting, everyone!

See you in August!

If you have any questions, please email me at:



R.E. – Wednesday 17th June

Good morning boys and girls, on Sunday we celebrated the feast of Christ’s Body and Blood, this is also know as Corpus Christi so today we are going to take some time to celebrate Jesus-the bread of life. Make sure that you are comfortable, light a little candle 🕯 (if a grown up is with you) this helps us to take time out of our day to remember that Jesus is with us.

When we go to mass there are two very important symbols that remind us of Christ’s body and blood.  Can anyone think of what they are?

The chalice (the cup) and the host (the bread).  These are very important items we use at mass that become, or hold, Christ’s body and blood.

Why do you think that we celebrate Christ’s body and blood?  Why is it important?

Christ’s body and blood are gifts that Jesus began to give us at the Last Supper and finished after he rose from the dead.  We also call it the Eucharist.  We share the Eucharist together to remind us that we are all united.  In school, the boys and girls in primary 5-7 have received Jesus’s body in communion – the Eucharist, however, it is important for us all to receive Jesus into our hearts.  We can all do this when we show love and kindness towards others. Perhaps today you could try to show kindness to the people in your family. It could be something simple like helping to tidy your room, help to do the dishes or make a cup of tea.  Think of something that will make someone happy.

Have a great day boys and girls, take care and remember to be kind. 😊💕🙏

RE – Tuesday 16th June

Good morning everyone.  It was lovely to see some of your wee faces visiting the Blessed Sacrament in the grounds of the Church on Sunday.  I have attached a link for you to watch the marking of Corpus Christi, Father Campbell has been very busy this weekend.


Today’s lesson is about St Anthony of Padua.

Saturday (13th June) was the feast of St Anthony of Padua.  Usually we would talk about him and learn about him if his feast day had fallen on a school day, therefore we will learn about him today because he is a very popular and beloved saint.  Do you know why?

Yes, Saint Anthony is known as the saint you pray to if you have lost something.  He is one of my favourite saints because he is my gran’s favourite and he has really helped her in the past.  One day, my gran lost her favourite crucifix necklace, she was very, very upset and she prayed every day for almost two weeks.  One day when she went back in the drawer to check once more, it was there! Just sitting where she had checked so many times!  She was so very happy that she has continued to include St Anthony in her daily prayers ever since.  For, as she explained to me, it’s okay to pray to St Anthony to ask for help but you must also remember to pray to him and thank him.

The Story of St Anthony

Anthony’s name was Fernando Martins.  He was born in Portugal in 1195 to a wealthy family, but he wanted to become a priest and chose to live a life of poverty.  After his ordination, the plan was for Anthony to travel to Morocco to help spread the Catholic faith. While there, he became very sick, therefore his superiors decided to send him back to Portugal. On the way home, a storm came and blew his ship off course. Instead of landing back in Portugal they landed in Sicily, not far from Italy. They then travelled to Tuscany which is in the middle of Italy.  Being ill and weak, Anthony’s superiors decided to have him stay with some local priests in the hope that he would get better. He spent a long time there praying and studying.

One day, Anthony was asked to give a homily at mass, he had not prepared for this and was nervous as he hadn’t done it before.  His superior told him, “Just say what the Holy Spirit wants you to.” (In other words, don’t prepare anything and God will give you the words to say.) His homily was so well received that he was from then on asked to preach to various groups. He became known as a great preacher. Anthony had the ability to teach to everyone, regardless if they were young or old, educated or not.

So why is he known as the saint to pray to for lost items?  Well, Anthony had a special prayer book which he used in all his teachings.  It had lots of notes and special prayers that he used during his homilies, but one day it was stolen.  Anthony prayed and prayed for its return and eventually the thief returned it.  But not only did he give it back, he began to worship and followed the teachings of Anthony.


  1.  Have you ever lost something and prayed hard for it’s return?  What was it and why was it so special to you?
  2.  What do you think makes a good preacher?  (Qualities such as, friendly etc)


Apart from school life, can you name someone in your family or circle of family friends who is a good teacher?  It doesn’t have to be educational, it can be about anything, such as a grandfather who inspires you with stories or work, or a family friend who talks to groups of people about something important.  Write a little about them.  Who are they and what skills do they have that make them a good teacher?

For me, like I mentioned before, my gran is a good teacher.  She has taught me many things about my religion over the years.  She is interesting to listen to because she is a great story teller and uses her voice and facial expressions very well.  She is also very funny and has the ability to laugh at herself when she makes mistakes, which is important!

I hope you all have a lovely day and tonight when you are saying your prayers, remember to include St Anthony.

St Anthony, pray for us.

Take care

Mrs Graham 🙂






Health and Wellbeing Week

Good morning boys and girls!


Just a reminder that it’s health and wellbeing week this week.  Please continue to work from the grid this week.  The grid is in Monday’s post if you have still to access it.  In addition to this, RE is being uploaded every day too.

Keep working hard boys and girls 🤩

Health and Wellbeing Week Monday 15th June – Friday 19th June

Good Morning everyone and welcome to a new and exciting week!

This is a busy week as we have nominated Wednesday 17th June to be our first ever…

‘Welcome Wednesday!’

On Wednesday we will launch a new webpage dedicated to the  Primary 1 children who will be joining us in August. Normally we would have undertaken a range of activities in school with the children and their parents but this year we have created a series of video messages and powerpoints to welcome our new families. Make sure that you have a look on Wednesday as the current Primary 1 and Primary 6 children have been really very busy!

Health and Wellbeing

This week is Health and Wellbeing Week and there will be lots of activities for the children to enjoy both indoors and out.

Normally in June, we celebrate Health Week and we take part in lots of different activities. It is important that we keep our minds focused and positive during these difficult times and two great ways of doing that are by exercising and eating healthily.

This week I would like you to complete activities from the Keeping Healthy grid at the bottom of this page.  On this grid you will find a range of activities for the Shanarri Indicators: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.  As well as HWB activities that you will be working on this week, I would like you to complete the RE activities which will be uploaded daily.

I would also like you to keep a record of the exercise that you complete (exercise logs below).  It’s recommended that children between the ages of 5-17 complete at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. There are different ways of exercising. You might go walking, running, play football, dance, play outdoor games or do some yoga. These are just some of the ways in which you can complete your daily exercise and stay active. I am sure you can think of lots more or take some ideas from the Keeping Healthy grid below.

Another way to help keep us feeling positive is to eat healthily. Why is it important to eat healthily? Imagine your body was a fancy sports car. What kind of petrol would you put in it? Would you give it the best petrol you could buy or whatever you could find? Your body is like a sports car. When you give your body healthy food every day, you have lots of energy. Your body also grows and becomes strong. If you give your body unhealthy food, it won’t work as well.
You might have less energy or get sick more often.

But how do we know what foods are healthy and what foods are not? Well, a healthy eating guide for the UK was developed. It is called the Eatwell Guide and can be found below.  You can use this Eatwell Guide when completing healthy tasks from the Keeping Healthy grid below.  Please find below other tasks you may need from the grid too.

Keeping Healthy Grid

Exercise Log


UNCRC Articles

Have a fun filled week boys and girls and I hope you enjoy all the tasks on the grid.  Please remember we want to see your pictures!  If you can please tweet us @St_BarbarasPS or send pictures to your teacher’s glow account.





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