Primary 7 – Week Beginning 05/10/20

Hello Primary 7,

You homework this week is in 3 parts;

  1. There is a spelling challenge on Sumdog built around this week and last week’s spelling words for you to complete.
  2. Research the clothes worn by people during the renaissance and name each piece, a doublet for example.
  3. Complete these BODMAS problems

a. 4² + 3    b. 4 + 3²    c. 4² + 3 – 2    d. 4 + 3² – 2    e. 4³ – 3 + 2    f. 4 – 3 + 2³

g. 5² + 4 x 3 + 2    h. 5 + 4² x 3 + 2    i. 4² + 3²     j. 4² + 3² – 2²

Email your answers to me using Glow.

Good luck,

Mr. McIntosh



Primary 2/1 Homework W/B 5th October

Hi everyone,

Please find below the homework for this week.

Well done to all the boys and girls who completed the sumdog challenge last week. It would be great if you could encourage your child to use it as it is a great resource that can be used at home for free. If you don’t have a login for your child please email us and we will send you it.

Thank you!

Mrs McGill & Mrs Connelly

Blue-Group-Homework-WB-5th October

Green Group Homework-WB-5th October

Red Group Homework-WB-5th October

Primary 1 Homework Week Beginning 5th October

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It’s hard to believe that the children have almost completed their first term in Primary 1.They have all settled really well into school life and have been working so hard in class. They have loved learning lots of new things and have enjoyed celebrating their achievements. I am extremely proud of them all and I am sure you are too.

Your child has been set homework tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Please remember to send back the clear zippy wallet empty on Tuesday and keep all completed worksheets at home until further notice. This will help to keep us all safe.

Could you please encourage your child to practise their reading book each night.



Letter sound- r

  1. Practise saying the ‘r’ sound. Listen to the ‘r’ Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.
  2. Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘r’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘r’?
  3. Complete letter ‘r’ formation worksheet.


Subitising Numbers to 10

We have been working on subitising up to 10 in class. Show someone in your family how fast you can recognise numbers of things without counting.

Practise counting, matching and ordering by playing the Ladybird Spots game.



Common Words: am, me, my

1.Use your word tin to practise your common words. When you look at each word, read the word and then spell it out loud.

2.Practise writing your common words by choosing one of the fun spelling tasks below:

Pasta Words– Arrange pasta or cereal to make your words. Glue onto a piece of paper or take a picture.

Chalk– Write your common words outside on the ground using chalk.

Foamy Words– Spray a small amount of shaving foam and spread it out. Practise writing your words in the foam.


Practise writing numbers from 0-9 to help you perfect your number formation. Complete number formation worksheet. Remember to use the rhymes we have been learning in class to help you.



Letter sound- m

1.Practise saying the ‘m’ sound. Click on the link above and listen to the ‘m’  Jolly Phonics song. Sing the song whilst doing the action.

2.Go on a sound hunt around your house looking for objects that begin with the sound ‘m’. Can you think of any other words that begin with ‘m’?

3.Complete letter ‘m’ formation worksheet.



Well done to everyone who managed to log on last week to play Sumdog. It would be great if everyone could log on and complete this week’s challenge. All logins were given out last week.

Sumdog is a fantastic website which allows children to practise their maths skills through different games, which then becomes tailored to their ability following the answers they provide. Sometimes your child might need help reading the questions but it is important that you let your child answer the question independently. If you help them answer the question, questions can become too challenging for them and it will not be set at their own ability.

If you have any questions please contact me –

I would like to say a special thank you for your support over these last few months in helping to make your child’s first term at school a great success.

I hope you and your family have a safe and relaxing October break.

Miss McEleney

Primary 2- WB 5th October 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your family had a lovely relaxing weekend.

This week your child has been set tasks for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. The accompanying worksheets have been sent home in the clear plastic zippy wallet. I would really appreciate if this wallet could be returned to school empty in your child’s school bag on Thursday along with your child’s reading book.

I have attached this week’s homework below:

Homework- WB 5th October

Thank you for sending it pictures of all your wonderful work last week. It is lovely to see all of the amazing work you are doing at home! Remember, if you are really proud of your homework you can take a picture and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS.

Primary 3 – Week beg 5th October

Good afternoon boys and girls, this weeks homework is:

Monday – Red and blue group ‘kn’ phoneme words.

Green group – ‘ph’ phoneme words.

Tuesday – Red and blue groups common words and sentences – under, were, thing, know.

Green group – one, first, little – write your words 3 times with a sentence for each word.

Wednesday – Number worksheet (will be sent home).

Remember to read your book each night to help with your fluency and try to read with expression.

Mrs MacLeod & Mrs Moore


Week Beginning 5th October 2020 P7/6

Primary 7/6,

Your home tasks will be posted below and on our Teams page this week. Please practise logging on to Glow. Please email your finished work to:

Our spelling words this week are:

possible   terrible  adorable  noticeable  horrible  incredible  comfortable  understandable  forcible  applicable  considerable

Please spend a short time each evening revising spellings. Complete the sentences from your worksheet in your jotter. Please email me a photograph of your work.

We are exploring Black History throughout the month of October. Please complete the following research task this week:

Black History Month Homework

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me.

Mrs Haughey x




Monday 5th October

Good Morning!

Remember all of our work is available on Microsoft Teams today.

If you have any questions or require any of your log in details then please send me an email on

You can still access the October Homework Grid via the blog.

Have a nice day.

Miss McMullen

Primary 6 – 2nd October 2020

Good Morning Primary 6 and Happy Friday!

Happy Friday Printable - | Its friday quotes, Happy friday quotes, Friday images

I hope you are all well and are managing to adapt to home learning.

From Monday I am going to be uploading your work on to Microsoft Teams instead of using the blog. Before we switch I would like to make sure everyone is able to access it. I have a couple of jobs for you to do today to make sure you can find the correct materials.

I recently sent home your Glow log in details. If you cannot find them, please send me a message and I will send them directly to you.

1.Log on to Glow and send me an email with the words ‘home learning’. This will help me to check that everyone knows how to send an email.

2.Now log on to Glow and find the tile that says ‘teams’. You should have  been added to our class team. It is called ‘Primary 6- Miss McMullen’. When you have accessed our class team can you please click in to the files section. I have added a document named ‘tester message’ with today’s date. Can you please check that you are able to locate the file and open it to read the message.

If you are able to access the file then please let me know on an email. I hope you are all able to find it easily and we will be able to use Microsoft Teams next week.

If you are having trouble finding the materials then please let me know and I will assist you. You will find my email address below.

Now scroll down to find some Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today.



Please click the link below to access the task for your group. If you cannot remember your group, send me an email.

Spelling Group 1 – 2nd October

Spelling Group 2 – 2nd October


For reading today you will find a class challenge on First News. If you have forgotten your log in details then please get in touch.


Yesterday we were revising the use of an apostrophe. We looked at using an apostrophe to shorten a word not = don’t

Today we are going to look at how apostrophes can help to show possession.

Click the link below and read through the power point.

Apostrophe Presentation – 2nd October

Now click the link below to access a task.

Apostrophe Task – 2nd October


Cut and paste the link below to access the hit the button tables game. Play a few rounds and try to beat your best score. Good Luck!


Click on the link for your group and try the word problems in your jotter.

Pyramids and Cones – Word Problems

Cubes- Word problems

Now click the link below to try our second operations challenge. This is just like the one we did last week. Remember you can use whichever strategies you wish. Good Luck!

Cubes – Operation Challenge

Pyramids – Operation Challenge

Cones – Operation Challenge

Remember to check out the October Homework Grid for some more tasks. You will find this on the blog.

I hope you all have a lovely day Primary 6. Try to have the best weekend you possibly can from home. If you have a garden try to get some fresh air. Stay active but most of all stay safe!

If you need anything at all from me throughout the day then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Miss McMullen




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