Primary 2 Homework- WB 17th Nov 2020

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend.

Your child has been set homework tasks for Tuesday and Wednesday night. Please remember to return your child’s reading book along with their clear zippy wallet on Thursday.

This week’s homework is attached below:

Homework- WB 17th November

Thank you for all of the wonderful pictures that were sent in last week. It is great to see lots of the fabulous work you are doing at home. Remember, if you are really proud of your homework you can take a picture of your wonderful work and send it to my email or tweet me a picture @St_BarbarasPS.

If you have any questions, please contact me- 


Miss Shreenan 🙂

Primary 3 homework 17/10/20

Good afternoon boys and girls, I hope that you enjoyed your long weekend. Here is this weeks homework tasks:

Tuesday – Red and Blue group – make a word list of “wa” phoneme words e.g. “watch, wall,water”.

Green group – make a word list of as many “oy” words as you can. “Toy for a boy.

Wednesday – Red and Blue group – common words-  second, fifteen, five, fourteen – write your common words out 3 times and a sentence for each word.

Green group – common words – our,down, off – write your common words out 3 times and a sentence for each word.

Thursday – write your 2, 5 and 10 times table in your jotter – now recite them to someone in your family.

Reading – every night. Please remember to return your reading books on a Friday so that they can be quarantined.

You have all been working so hard. Keep up the great work! Remember you can email any pictures of your homework that you are proud of to me.  I love seeing all your super work.

Many thanks,

Mrs MacLeod

Primary 4 Homework

Primary 4 Homework

Week Beginning Tuesday 17th November

Hello Primary 4. I hope you have enjoyed your nice long weekend.

Please complete 10 minutes of independent reading per night.

As this is a shorter week, I have set a spelling challenge and a maths challenge on Sumdog.

If you did not complete your Health and Wellbeing competition last week use this week to finish.

Thank you and have a lovely week.

Miss McBride.

INSET Day Reminder


Monday 16th November is an INSET Day.

School will re-open to pupils at 9am on Tuesday 17th November.

Please find remaining holiday dates below.

School Holiday List: November 2020 – June 2021    

November 2020  
Monday 16th November INSET Day Children do not attend
Christmas 2020  
Tuesday 22nd December School closes: 2.30pm
Wednesday 6th January School re-opens: 9am
February 2021  
Friday 5th February School closes: 3pm
Wednesday 10th February: INSET Day Children do not attend
Thursday 11th February School re-opens: 9am
Easter 2021  
Thursday 1st April School closes: 2.30pm
Monday 19th April School re-opens: 9am
May 2021  
Monday 3rd May May Day
Thursday 6th May: INSET Day Children do not attend
Thursday 27th May School closes: 3pm
Tuesday 1st June School re-opens: 9am
June 2021  
Thursday 24th June School closes: 1pm


Primary 4 Homework

Hello Primary 4,

I have attached your homework for this week. If you cannot complete the competition we will finish this in class.

Homework Week Beginning 9th November

10 minutes of independent reading of own novel.


Red Group- We are revising some of your spelling rules. One syllable words e.g hop , need the final consonant to be doubled before endings which start with a vowel.

e.g hop + p + ing = hopping

hop + p + ed = hopped.

Can you add the endings to each of these words (shop, drop, skip, trip, get, tan) Can you think of any more examples of words and write them down?

Yellow Group- elkonin boxes for phoneme words (chef, chauffeur, chaperone, chute, parachute, chalet, machine, brochure)


Complete the maths worksheet provided in class.


Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included 

 These are the SHANARRI Indicators and they measure YOUR health and Wellbeing. The first is all about keeping yourself Healthy (eating and exercising) and Achieving (working hard and doing your best) at home and at school.

 Can you design a character to represent eitherWe would like to have someone or something everyone would recognise in school. 

 There will be a class winner and one overall winner. 

 Please upload your picture. The closing date for this  

competition is Wednesday 25th NovemberGood luck! 

Have a lovely week,

Miss McBride.

Primary 7 – Week Beginning 09/11/20

Hello Primary 7

Your Homework this week has 3 parts,

  1. This week we are looking at Common words. Your word list is – absence, material, finally, dialogue, brilliant, actually, mischief, furthermore, different and ceiling.
  2. This week we will be learning about space suit materials. What are space suits made from? How do the different layers protect the astronauts? Have space suit materials changed over time?
  3. This week we are looking at perimeter, the distance around an object, shape or area.

Log in to Sumdog and take part in the Perimeter Challenge that has been set for you there.



Good Luck

Mr. McIntosh

Primary 3 Homework – week beg. 9th Nov

Good afternoon boys and girls, here are your homework tasks for this week:

Monday – Red and Blue group ‘ea’ phoneme e.g. bread, breakfast – create your own phoneme wordlist.

Green group – ‘ai’ phoneme e.g. snail in the rain” – how many ‘ai’ words can you write in your jotter?

Tuesday – Common words – rainbow spelling.

Red and Blue groups – learn, children, because, earth

Green group – said, big, could

Wednesday – word problems worksheet.

Reading for fluency – every night.

Please remember to return your books each Friday, books must be quarantined so that other children can use them the following week.

Thank you to all of the children who have been sending pictures of your homework.  You are doing a great job!

Mrs MacLeod & Mrs Moore

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