COVID 19: Updated School Information

Updated COVID Information

25th August 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

 I can confirm that we have had positive cases of Covid-19 across the school and NHS Lanarkshire’s Test and Protect team will be carrying out contact tracing.

The individuals are currently self-isolating at home.

Can I guide you to the letter on our website signed by Dr. John Logan, Acting Director of Public Health, NHSL which explains clearly the new procedure for schools when we are notified of a positive case within the school.  A link to this letter can be found below:

  1. Letter for the new term – schools – August 2021 – NHSL – v3 ML final

As previously detailed whole classes will no longer be asked to self-isolate if someone in the class tests positive for COVID-19. There will be no requirement for your child to self-isolate unless you are contacted by Test and Protect – the contact tracing service.

I would wish to reassure you that we have in place all the recommended infection prevention and control measures and a thorough cleaning programme for our building.

It remains important to remember that mixing socially in the community without maintaining physical distancing measures helps the virus to spread widely. It is therefore important that people remain vigilant and follow physical distancing guidance, including during school drop off and pick up. Pupils and staff should wash their hands thoroughly and regularly using soap and water for 20 seconds.

Individuals who experience any Covid-19 symptoms such as a cough, fever or loss of taste or smell, even if they are mild, should stay off school or work and get tested. Information on how to access testing is available at:

If you have any questions about coronavirus please visit in the first instance, or call the helpline on 0800 028 2816.

Kind Regards

S. McKinney

Head Teacher

CLUB 365: Weekend Provision

Club 365 Weekend Provision

Club 365 weekend provision will resume from Saturday 21st August 2021.   The programme will allow pupils to enjoy a hot meal and participate in fun activities which will be delivered by coaching staff from 11.30am to 1.30pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Please click on the link below for more information, thank you.


All Club365 enquiries can be directed to

Parental Survey: Cost of the School Day

Dear Parent,

Please take a few minutes to complete the anonymous Cluster Primary Survey below in respect of the Cost of the School Day. Your responses will help us to plan for future events, educational visits, fund-raising etc.

The survey which will only take a few minutes to complete will become live at 10am on Tuesday 1st June and will close at 5.15pm on Friday 4th June.

Many Thanks!

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