Hello Primary 7,
It’s Monday again which means it’s time to get back to work. I hope you are all ready to learn.
Let’s begin our week by saying a special prayer to our Guardian Angel to continue to protect us and keep us safe,
Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here;
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide.
Here is a link for today’s learning activities-
Remember there is no right or wrong way to work when learning at home. Learning takes place in a variety of ways and I know lots of you have been working on developing your life skills which is so important and extremely beneficial in a time like this. Some of you have been painting, cooking, cleaning and helping out with younger siblings, I am very impressed. Keep up the good work! ❣️
I know how much you all love a competition, so why not take part in our road safety competition? Have a little look on St Barbara’s Twitter page to find out more details.
Have a marvellous Monday and remember if you need me for anything please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Butler 😀