Primary 7- Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning Primary 7,

I hope you are all up, had your breakfast and are ready to start your day. I am still waiting to receive some of your best memories, the deadline for sending these over to me is this afternoon so please try your best to complete it if you haven’t done so already. I have really enjoyed reading the memories I have been sent over so far, they have brought a little tear to my eye.

Let us begin with our morning prayer

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from our day together.

Yesterday I received some more fabulous work. It is great to see how hard you are working at home.

Connor and Charlie made some very refreshing looking slushies! Well done boys, I hope you enjoyed them!

Connor and Charlie- Slushie

Daniel has been working hard exploring this weeks’ focus homophones. He has confidently used each one in the correct context. Good job Daniel!

Remember to send over any work that you would like shared on our blog. I really enjoy seeing what you are working on at home.

Here is the link for today’s learning activities and some resources to help support you-

Wednesday 3rd June

Big Interview

Here are today’s Health and Wellbeing and This Is Our Faith activities-

Wednesday 3rd  June- Health and Wellbeing

I hope you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today is to be a bit cooler.


We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions). Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke.

Wednesday 3rd June- This Is Our Faith 

Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

pentecost – story

pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.

Have a wonderful Wednesday Primary 7 and remember I am just an email away if you need anything at all.

Mrs Butler

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