Wednesday 20th May- Primary 5


Good Morning, Fine Fives!

I hope that you are well-rested and ready to start your learning day.

As usual we will begin with our morning prayer:

God our Father

As we prepare to begin our work

We ask you to help us to use properly the many gifts you have given us

So that we may fully benefit from out day together. Amen.


Health and Wellbeing

Time to waken up and put your best foot forward!

We’re getting closer to Sports’ Day – so time for a little movement. There are two video clips to get you moving and some tasks below. Enjoy!


Now for those tasks:

Play some music lasting about ten/fifteen minutes and do these:

  • Jumping Jacks/Star Jumps
  • On the Spot running
  • Plank
  • Squats
  • Add your own and have fun!

Remember to have your water bottle handy and to take a few breaks!


Time for some great examples of your work!


First of all have a look at the ‘Caravan of Camels’ by Ethan P.

Collective Noun Task Ethan P.

Next, watch Euan make a healthy smoothie…delicious!


Keep sending your work in and see it on the blog:



I have allocated you all tasks on First News! There are two comprehension exercises and two crossword activities. Please select at least one of each.

Remember that you can look back at the passage whenever you like. Take your time and read it more than once before you attempt any questions.


I have signed you all up for the Scholastic Reading Centre. I have allocated six books in total at present. Please select whichever you like and you can choose as many as you like

You can also choose a book of your own.

I sent emails on Monday to all parents so please check with an adult for your login details.

Login Details: if you have any problems logging in to First News or to Scholastic, please email me. Thank you.

Spelling Task

At the top of a page in a dictionary there are GUIDE words. Guide words are the first and last words on the pages. Look at the pages above. Bear is the first word on the first page while beyond is the last word on the second page. All of the other words on the pages are listed alphabetically between the guide words.

Here are the guide words from three different pages in the dictionary:

cool – correspond  P.42       correspondent – country   P. 43       impulse – independent   P.109

Write the number of the page on which the following words would appear:

  1. coroner   2. count   3. increase   4. inadequate   5. copper   6. correspond   7. incident

Now try these:

  1. indeed   2. core   3. cosmonaut   4. corrupt   5. income   6. coppice   7. inadvertent   8. council

Can you think of three words not mentioned above which would be found on each of the three pages?

Answers can be found on the blog at 3.00pm today.



NLC SUMDOG Challenge.

Keep going everyone! We need to climb higher…let’s get to the summit!

Yesterday we looked at addition and subtraction in money calculations. Today we are going to remind ourselves about multiplication and division money calculations.

Have a look at the sheet below to remind you.

Money Operation Examples

Now try these:

More Money Operations

Answers can be found on the blog at 3.00pm today.



This week we have been looking at Jesus’ commandment to:

‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

Jesus showed his love for all of us on Good Friday when he died on the cross. Tomorrow we are going to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. On this day, forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday, Jesus ascended into Heaven leaving the disciples behind to carry on with his work and to be witnesses for him.  They were a little scared to be left without Jesus but they believed in him and they knew that he would not leave them alone. They were quite right of course; the Holy Spirit came to help them on the Feast of Pentecost and we’ll explore that later.

Below you will see two very different video clips about the Ascension. Please watch both of them.



Now what I would like you to do is to draw or make your own reminder of what happened on the Feast of the Ascension.

You could think about making the figures of Jesus, his disciples and the two people dressed in white – you could even create your own video clip.

Or  you could draw them and write a sentence or a paragraph below; you might want to make a picture using other media – e.g. cotton wool for the clouds.

I have attached some ideas to help you below.


Whatever activity you choose to do, please email it to or, with an adult’s permission, upload it on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS


Well done Primary 5.  You’ve worked hard today. Time for a rest and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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