HT Welcome

Dear Parent/Carer

We hope that you will find the information contained in this blog of interest and that it will help you to understand more about our school. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you warmly to our school community.

Our vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where all children will recognise and achieve their full potential so that they can make their best contribution to society.

Our school motto is ‘A school of quality’. We firmly believe that we can offer the highest quality of education for your child due to the commitment of our staff team who strive to ensure exceptional standards of care and welfare for all of our pupils.

The process of education is continuous and begins before your child comes to school. We aim to work in true partnership with you to allow your child to grow intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually.

We hope that your child will be very happy with us and will respond to the many learning opportunities offered in St Margaret of Scotland Primary School.

If there is anything  that you wish to discuss  please do not hesitate to contact us.

With Kindest Regards
Marie Love

Head Teacher