May Newsletter
Please click on the text May 2017 Newsletter to download our latest newsletter.
Please click on the text May 2017 Newsletter to download our latest newsletter.
Please, please vote for St Margaret of Scotland using tokens given to you at the checkout when you shop in Tesco and help us to win £5000 to improve our playground.
During Fairtrade Fortnight Primary 7 learned about the Fairtrade Premium. Listen to their podcasts to find out more.
Welcome to our March Newsletter! We are now officially into spring and we are all very busy as we head towards Easter. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Scottish Attainment Challenge – Read to Succeed As you will be aware our school is part of the Scottish Governments agenda in its aim to raise the attainment of children and young people. Our main focus is within the area of Literacy. Here is an overview
Wow… would you believe it that we have sold over 100 bananas this week! St Margaret of Scotland pupils know the importance of Fairtrade. Let’s try and increase the numbers for next week. Fairtrade assembly on Friday 10 March. Please encourage your child to buy a banana from us. All money goes to the Fairtrade farmers.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be delivered on Friday 17th March 2017 and collected on Friday 24th March 2017. Timetabe of class visits to follow. Free resources can be accessed online @ Children will be able to use their £1 National Book Token at Fair.
make-move-and-munch-flyer Free – Beginning Tuesday 7th February 2-4 pm (8 weeks) MAKE, MOVE & MUNCH CLUB! Looking for a New Year health boost? We’ve teamed up with Tesco to offer a free Make, Move, Munch club at St Margaret of Scotland Primary. This is an exciting new after school programme for parents/carers and children to enjoy. Families are invited to take part in a programme of healthy cooking, fitness &
The Parent Council AGM will take place on Wednesday 5th October at 7 pm. The Parent Council are always looking for new members so please come along to our school if you can.
Please note that the Parent Council AGM will be rescheduled as it clashes with Our Lady’s High School Prize Giving Ceremony. Details to follow. The Parent Council are always looking for new members and do lots of fantastic work to support the school.
We look forward to welcoming pupils to school tomorrow, Wednesday 17th August 2016.