
New discoveries in the Rainbow Room

The children have been making lots of new discoveries within the Rainbow Room, creating gloop and bubbles in the water, discovering sounds from the instruments, deciding and making snack from using the toaster to boiling up some pasta.

The morning children have had great fun recreating the story of “the pig in the pond” after helping to create our very own Nelligan’s Farm, which also links with our new rhyme “old Mcdonald had a farm”


Nurturing nature explorers

The morning children attended  Shotts Nature Park with their mum, where they put their curiosity skills into action by creating a  forest friend using clay.

Water whether that be made from a puddle or by a running steam provides endless possibilities. The children were fascinated by the ripples made by the stones as they threw them into the pond  and developed their early writing skills as they used mud and a sticks to create their marks on the ground.

In the afternoon the children explored the park independently as developed their awareness of risk as they  swung and climbed  the trees, built dens and played hide and seek.

Family learning sessions will continue alternate Wednesday’s for each session……Wednesday 19th July at 1 pm will be the afternoon families.  Please note that this is only for children who are currently registered to attend.


Week 8 of our collaboration with CCI & Calderhead High School

The children have been  very busy this week with Shirls collecting lots of foliage for the large Guardian of the Forest. They were introduced to a special cutting tool called loppers which we safely used to cut some of the larger pieces. Shirls encouraged the children to use their creativity skills to decide which pieces they would use for the eyebrows, beard and hair. At the end of the session,  Susan built a small fire to keep the children warm up then they used it to brown their bread to make toast.

We are looking forward to the big reveal with our families on Thursday 1st December.dsc06067 dsc06066 dsc06067 dsc06064 dsc06060 dsc06057 dsc06055 dsc06054 dsc06053 dsc06049 dsc06048 dsc06047 dsc06044 dsc06043 dsc06042 dsc06040 dsc06039 dsc06036 dsc06034 dsc06032 dsc06030 dsc06029 dsc06028 dsc06027 dsc06027 dsc06026 dsc06025 dsc06024 dsc06022 dsc06020 dsc06019 dsc06018 dsc06017 dsc06015 dsc06014 dsc06013

Forest School session

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Today the children used their imaginations to begin to create their guardian of the forest mask, working alongside their high school buddies they gathered natural resources from the forest to create a giant head on the forest floor.

We finished off the session using the kelly kettle to make some delicious hot chocolate  – making some for our buddies too.

It was lovely to have a little visit from the local police officers Michael and James who popped down to see what we were doing and say hello. Kindly we shared our snack with Michael and invited him to visit the nursery after the October break.

Curiosity in the Rainbow Room

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The Children in the Rainbow Room have been exploring the wonders of the world, looking up at the sky watching the clouds float by, seeking out spiders in their webs, they have been enjoying collecting stones and leaves and building with the natural resources that are in the outdoor environment.

They children have been exploring lots of sensory experiences where they have been observant and curious of the different textures that have been on offer.