Category Archives: Birth to Three

Water fun in the Rainbow Room

Over the last few week’s the children in the Rainbow Room have been curiously investigating the effects of water both indoors and out. They are beginning to copy and imitate each other as they pour and fill their watering cans, wash the cars and even joining each other as they have a little dip in the water tray. It’s great to know that mum or dad always pack a spare set of clothes to change in to.


Play Talk Read – Session 3

Our final session on the bus was a great success with families exploring the bus together.  Parents and children used their senses to explore some lovely caramel play dough .  To finnish off Lindsay read the children the story “Busters Birthday” and helped us sing some of our favourite songs.

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A great big thank you to all families who attended.

Play Talk Read bus

Families in the birth to three building had a fantastic time exploring the sensory bus.

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Here we are using all our  senses to explore together. We also listened to “shark in the park” story and sang some familiar songs and rhymes. We are all looking forward to some messy play on the bus next week.

Developing curiosity in the birth to three environments

The children in the birth to three playrooms have been developing their curiosity through lots of fun exploratory experiences.

This little learner is curious of her peers and enjoys sitting alongside the practitioner and baby in the outdoor environment.
This little learner is curious of her peers and enjoys sitting alongside the practitioner and baby in the outdoor environment.

This little one develops his curiosity as he explores a basket of objects.

'Wibble wobble wibble wobble' jelly on a tray  By using his senses this little one is curious to explore and discover the texture and taste of jelly and fruits.
‘Wibble wobble wibble wobble jelly on a tray’
By using his senses this little one is curious to explore and discover the texture and taste of jelly and fruits.
As this little learner explores alongside the practitioner she is becoming more confident in exploring the outdoor environment.
As this little learner explores alongside the practitioner she is becoming more confident in exploring the outdoor environment.

Curiosity in the Birth to Three

Developing curiosity through exploratory experiences.

As this little learner explores alongside the practitioner she is becoming more confident in exploring the outdoor environment.
As this little learner explores alongside the practitioner she is becoming more confident in exploring the outdoor environment.
These babies enjoy the high-contrast colors of the black, white and red area as it captivates and holds the their attention, this encourages their visual and physical development.
These babies enjoy the high-contrast colors of the black, white and red area as it captivates and holds their attention encouraging their visual and physical development.
Sensory play
Sensory play
This little curiously investigates the object within the basket as he develops the use of his senses to explore.
This little one curiously investigates the objects within the basket as he develops the use of his senses to explore.
This little learner is curious of her peers and enjoys sitting alongside the practitioner and baby in the outdoor environment.
This little learner is curious of her peers and enjoys sitting alongside the practitioner and baby in the outdoor environment.
'Wibble wobble wibble wobble jelly on a tray' By using his senses this little one is curious to explore and discover the texture and taste of jelly and fruits.
‘Wibble wobble wibble wobble jelly on a tray’
By using his senses this little one is curious to explore and discover the texture and taste of jelly and fruits.
As this little learner transfers the balls from one box to another she is beginning to develop her problem solving skills.
As this little learner transfers the balls from one box to another she is beginning to develop her problem solving skills.
