Category Archives: Birth to Three

exploring sound

Children have been exploring sound using a variety of different resources found around the nursery.

Through this we have been learning about loud and quiet, soft and hard and using cause and effect we find out  what we need to do to make different sounds.

On the photographs below you can see how exciting and fun it is to discover sound.



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Play on Pedals with birth to three families

Children and their parents/carers had fantastic fun in the first session of play on pedals. Together they played games  which helped them identify and name the different parts of their bike. Parents/carers were then guided in how to fit a helmet properly to ensure maximum safety and how to adjust the bike for their children.

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For many families cycling is an exciting and important step in a childs development through participating in play on pedals sessions parents/carers are able to watch and learn how to help their children ride.

Infant Massage

The purpose of the International Association of Infant Massage is to promote nurturing touch and communication through training, education, and research so that parents, caregivers and children are loved, valued and respected throughout the world community.

“connect with your child heart to heart. Touch them with your hands, your eyes and your heart.”
” a life long process beginning with a reciprocal, interactive system between parent and infant”
Regular massage lowers stress hormones in babies and their carers and increases the feel good hormones leading to happier healthier families.
Benefits of Infant Massage are Interaction – spending good quality time with your baby, Stimulation – of the digestive system, immune system and muscular development and tone, and Relief – from gas and colic, constipation and muscular tension.

Birth to Three

Following allocations at the recent Birth to Three Admissions Panel we would like to welcome the new families who will be joining the Centre.  We hope that your time with us will be helpful and you will be able to join in the many Family Learning opportunities available.

We have two more parent and child sessions remaining with Katie  from Cultural NL.  These are held in the Sunshine Room on a Thursday morning from 9 am until 9.45 am.  The cost of participating is free.


Lets keep to a steady beat.  How wonderful it is to create music together.









Creating our sock puppets together, before we sing our song.









Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles everywhere.  Try to catch one if your dare!!







DSCF8076      An outdoor learner, exploring the seasonal change.