All posts by L. Walsh

What’s on week beginning 21st March 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week

Lynn will be in the early level playroom this week

Gillian, Head of centre from Forgewood Family Learning Centre will be spending some time in the centre this week

Monday 21st March 2016

Gillian will be out of the centre this afternoon

Tuesday 22nd March 2016

Lynn will be attending a Profiling and Planning meeting in Moodiesburn this morning

Mary Ann VI teacher will be in the centre this morning

Amanda OT will be in the centre this morning

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Gemma SLT will be in the centre this afternoon

Thursday 24th March 2016

Susan is on annual leave today

Elaine will be attending the final session of the Infant Mental Health course

Easter fun activities, visit from the Easter Bunny.   Easter Bonnets/Hats optional

Solihull Understanding your Child with Jen and Louise in the Parent Room

Bookbug Rhyme Time Stay and Play final session, with a visit from Bookbug

Elaine will be attending her VIG supervision session in St Brendans this afternoon

Today is the last day for acceptance of places allocated at the admissions panel.  Slips not returned will result in the place being offered to children on the waiting list.

Friday 25th and Monday 28th March Public Holiday for staff

Easter Hamper Raffle Draw will take place at 11.35 am  and 3.55 pm on Wednesday 23rd March 2016, all proceeds will go towards the family end of term event.

Easter Fun

On Thursday 24th March 2016, we will be having a little Easter celebration. There will be an Easter egg hunt in the garden, an Easter bonnet/hat parade along with a visit from a very large hoping rabbit.

Each child has been given an Easter Egg to colour in to take part in a competition from Davidsons Animal Feeds, who are this year going to supply chocolate eggs for all the children.

All completed sheets should be returned to your child’s key worker before Friday 18th March 2016.  Good luck everyone as there is a special prize in store.

What’s on week beginning 14th March 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week.

We welcome back Christine to work, following her period of sick absence.

Monday 14th March 2016

Gillian is on special leave today.

Jackie is on annual leave today.

Lynn will be in the birth to three nursery all week.

Tuesday 15th March 2016

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC today.

Amanda OT will be in the early level playroom.

Wednesday 16th March 2016

Wednesday Onsie for all the children today to raise awareness of autism in recognition of National Autistic Week, which Onsie will your child wear??? For more information speak to Amanda or Gemma Kelly, speech and language therapist.

Lynn will be attending NLC Conference today in Motherwell.

Parent Support Group meeting 1.10 pm with Jackie in the Parent Room.

Thursday 17th March 2016

Elaine will be attending the Infant Mental Health course this morning.

Solihull Understanding your Child’s Behaviour 9am in the Parent Room with Jen and Louise.

Bookbug Rhyme Time Parent/Carer stay and play session in the birth to three nursery.

Friday 18th March 2016

Jennifer Rhodes, Principal Teacher from Dykehead Primary School will be in the nursery all day today to meet the children who will be making their transition to school.

Solihull Understanding your Child’s Behaviour 1.15 pm in the Parent Room with Susan and Carol.

Karen Dental Health nurse will be in the nursery at 2 pm this afternoon.



We are learning to……..

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During March 2016  within the early learning playroom the children will be learning how to:

  • explore the key elements within stories and share these with others
  • identify individual letters and which ones they need to copy words
  • explore the difference between size and amounts
  • develop my handwriting  grasp when using mark making materials, especially when drawing and writing
  • control my body during physical opportunities and experiences

The children will be developing these skills whilst learning about the life of a Pet in the morning  and whilst taking on the roles of explorers tracking down the elusive Swiper in the afternoon.  We hope that you will enjoy sharing in your child’s learning at home.

The children’s learning journey so far can be observed from the photographs within the slideshow above : 

What it means….

  • Almost all of the children are able  to retell familiar stories, identifying elements such as the character and problem and most can predict the outcome. 
  • Some of the children have been able to write in sequence letters to create their own name.
  • Most children have been able to make representations through mark making letters within their name.
  • Some of the children have been able to identify that their name has more, less or the same amount of letter as others and share this with others.
  • Some of the children have been able to use and understand the use of a capital letter at the start of their name and smaller letters for the remaining. All children have been able to mark make/write using modified tripod grasp and tripod grasp.
  • The majority of children show confidence in moving and controlling their bodies within a variety of learning opportunities indoors and out.


Moving on from nursery to primary, creating a purposeful transition

The following link will take you to the presentation which was delivered during the Creating a Purposeful Transition Even, in November 2015 for early learning and childcare establishments within the Shotts locality.

I am sure that you will agree that children have been very excited on receiving their personalised invitations to attend the planned transition events within the school.

Moving on TRANSITION 201516 2

Dykehead Primary School Early Level Transition Visits April – May 2016

A personal invitation will be sent direct to each family regarding the dates for the forthcoming Dykehead Primary School transition visits.  Click on the link which will take you direct to the poster containing the dates.

Dykehead Transition Days Poster 2016

Friday 29th April  11am – 12 noon Activity time for you & an information session for your parent in the school hall. Friday 6th May 1.15pm – 2.15pm Activity time for you in the classroom. You get to meet your new ‘buddy’ too.

Friday 13th May 1.15 – 2.30pm An activity time with your new buddy and the  boys and girls in Primary 1 at present. Friday 20th May 11.20am – 11.55am A chance for you to try out a school lunch with your parent

South Childcare Network Outdoor Learning Group

Displayed in each reception areas are posters detailing the following information regarding forthcoming family outdoor sessions.  For more information speak to Lynn or Jackie. Or alternative click on the link to view the poster.

Outdoor Learning

Expressions of Interest

South Childcare Network Outdoor Learning Group has launched with family outdoor sessions between April–August 2016.

 The group has been funded by the Early Years Collaborative and is run by NLC Countryside Rangers and supported by local parents (parent champions) who have been trained in the Forest Schools approach.

The service aims to give local parents/carers and their families the chance to enjoy outdoor activities together such as den building, blind trails, outdoor arts and crafts, rope swings etc. within Strathclyde Park. The service is free of charge. Please promote this to parents /carers within your service. All places must be booked.

This service is only available to residents of North Lanarkshire. Please complete below information and return using the methods detailed below:

Sessions will operate on the following dates:

Saturday 2nd April

Saturday 14th May

Saturday 11th June

Saturday 9th July

Saturday 6th August

Parents/Carers can express an interest to attend more than one session though allocation of more than one will depend on the amount of those who wish to attend. Session places will be confirmed in advance of the event.

Parent /carers name and contact details. If possible include e-mail /phone number Number of adults in the family attending Number of children in the family attending Ages of the children Session/sessions family are wish to attend.













Please complete and return to:

Alison Hay email: or return by post to Alison Hay, C/O Workforce Development, Early Years and Childcare, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan St, ML5 3BT



Supporting Learning at Home

As discussed at the recent family learning sessions, we have included a few links which will support learning at home.  We hope that you will find them useful.…/play@home…health-scotland).aspx