And the learning continues………..

Through the Three Read Approach to Literacy programme, Nurturing Early Readers, Nicola’s group have been reading Sugarlump and the Unicorn. They have explored the characters, setting and the problem. Through their illustrations they have been able to share their favourite part.

” Sugarlump hung his head because he was sad”

“When Sugarlump went into the loft”

“she flashed her eyes, her blue eyes, 7 times she turned around and the horses wish came true.”

“When Sugarlump galloped”

“I liked the circus cause Sugarlump danced and he was happy, the Unicorn flashed his eyes of blue.”

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The children have enjoyed building relationships through the use of a variety of table top games and puzzles,  where they continue to develop turn taking , sharing and helping each other. There  have been many opportunities to develop  awareness of matching, sorting and counting. The children have particularly enjoyed spending time within the story corner listening to stories that have captured their imagination, this has  enabled  them to transfer this interest within other areas of the nursery with all practitioners facilitating this learning .

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The wet weather has provided opportunities for play in the mud kitchen where the children have been exploring the texture of the mud, using the utensils to add more water to jump in, paint with and be creative with. Working together the children have used the loose parts on offer such as long pieces of wood to build ships, bridges and many other wonderful creations.

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Why not check more pictures out on Twitter when they are posted.

The inspiration gained from Shark in the Park, at the weekly  family Bookbug sessions as provided lots of opportunities  for role playing as pirates! This has enabled the children to build new friendships and include one an other as they work together building pirate ships and helicopters.  It has also given them the opportunity to develop their mathematical skills as they compare sizes and lengths and counting how many bricks they have used.  Lots of creativity and problem solving all around.

The Tinkering Table, daily fuels the children’s curiosity and creativity……….the wonder of the imagination and loose parts.

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Whats on week begining 1st October 2018

October 2018 Newsletter
Click on the Go to this Sway to gain access to October’s Newsletter.
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Monday 1st October 2018

Amanda is on annual leave until Monday 15th October, therefore Isabel will be supporting in the Rainbow Room for continuity of care for the children.

Susan attending link ASD training course this afternoon.

Tuesday 2nd October 2018

Susan is on leave mid morning

Educational Psychologist Ann will be in the nursery this afternoon

Nurturing Nature Forest School session with Nicola and Siobhan., 1.10 pm – 3.45 pm

Wednesday 3rd October 2018

Rainbow Room family Bookbug session

Speech and language therapist Gemma, in afternoon session only

Thursday 4th October 2018

Nurturing Nature Forest School session with Nicola, Christine and Elaine 8.50 am – 11.35 am

Rainbow Room family Bookbug session 1.30 pm – 1.45 pm

Solihull Understanding your child with Isabel and Jen 1.45 pm – 3.30 pm

Friday 5th October 2018

Caterpillar Group family Bookbug session with Christine and Kirsty. 8.45 am and 1.05 pm


New discoveries in the Rainbow Room

The children have been making lots of new discoveries within the Rainbow Room, creating gloop and bubbles in the water, discovering sounds from the instruments, deciding and making snack from using the toaster to boiling up some pasta.

The morning children have had great fun recreating the story of “the pig in the pond” after helping to create our very own Nelligan’s Farm, which also links with our new rhyme “old Mcdonald had a farm”