Once upon a time……….

Throughout National Storytelling week the children have brought their storytelling skills to life by using  a number of different mediums.  They have been able to link what they know about characters, problems and the setting within their play to retell some very amusing and interesting stories.

A story created by Mirryn and Cole

Once upon a time Betty was at the shops when she realised she needed the toilet.  She met Humpty Dumpty and asked him, “is there a toilet anywhere?” He replied “No”.  Betty then met Little Red Riding Hood who was buying cakes for her granny.  Little red Riding Hold told Betty.  “You’ll need to go home if you need the toilet.”

Then , as Betty walked home she saw Sid and Shannarri, so she waved at them and asked, “are there any toilets?” They replied, “follow the road up to the nursery and press the green bell.” So Betty arrived at the nursery and saw the troll who was hiding  at the gates.  The troll said, “move on”.  She pressed the buzzer and Lorraine said “come in”.  As Betty opened the door, she met Purple Luigi who tried to push her out the nursery, but Betty manages to shove him out of the door.  Betty eventually found the toilet in time.  She lived happily ever after.

The end

Using props and costumes to retell a familiar story

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Being creative by using finger paints to tell your story…..

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Telling a story through the power of yoga…

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and finally creating the ultimate web……

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We hope that you had as much fun at home creating your “once upon a time stories….”

What’s on week beginning 6th February 2017

Monday 6th February 2017

Lynn will be in the early level playroom today

Lorraine will be on annual leave today

Tuesday 7th February 2017

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today

Kodaly session with Claire Howarth in the afternoon

Wednesday 8th February 2017

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today

Lynn will be in the early level playroom this morning

Elaine will be at a meeting with Educational Psychology this morning, Emma will support the Caterpillar Group

Lynn will be at a meeting with Educational Psychology this afternoon.

Thursday 9th February 2017

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today

Friday 10th February 2017

Shotts Early Level Community Assets Transition Event for parents and carers Calderhead High School 10 am – 11.30 am.

Elaine will be delivering an information workshop at the transition event around SID and SHANARRI

Siobhan will be co delivering an information session with Jennifer Rhodes from Dykehead Primary School, around Early Numeracy progression

We look forward to welcoming as many parents and carers to this event. 

Numbers, numbers everywhere

This week the Number Bunch  had set themselves many tasks as they planned their learning.

“I know how to write my name and I can count people but I don’t know how to write numbers”

“I want to look at everyone’s ideas and learn with them”

“I wonder where I can find numbers outside?”

“I think I want to learn how to write numbers”

“We can play hide and seek and count up high to 14”

“Play games and learn how number games work, adding on and taking off”

By the end of the day they realised that there were numbers almost everywhere, even on the labels of their clothing.  The task they set themselves was to challenge their mums and dads to see who could find the most numbers at home as possible.  We wonder who the winners were.



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We have been learning so much

The children have been using their own criteria to develop their early numeracy skills, understanding that the last number they say is the amount they have.  We have also observed a few of the children making simple calculations through early addition and subtraction, this has led to a small group of learners working together twice a week who have called themselves the “Number  Bunch”.

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Pattern making was popular during the Burns day celebrations whereby the children chose their own clan tartan to follow the pattern using paint.

Creating their own stories, the children, through the use of puppets, role play and drawings have been able to recreate their own “Once upon a time…..”  as they bring National Storytelling week to like.

The Wellbeing Wood with Sid and Shanarri has enabled the children to talk about what they need from significant others as they grow and develop.

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Tattie, leek and carrot soup was a firm favourite with almost all the children who were desperate to count out how many carrots, how many onions and how many tatties they need as they put their culinary skills to the test.  The children were also learning how to be safe in the kitchen, around the cooker and whilst using knives and graters.

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Play on Pedals is continuing to be popular choice of learning outdoors.  This is an excellent programme whereby the children are developing their literacy, numeracy, balance and coordination skills.

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