We are learning to……


During the forthcoming weeks the children within the early level playroom will be learning to:

  • develop my oral language skills through the Three Read Approach
  • use new vocabulary in everyday play situations to consolidate my learning
  • develop understanding that my early mark making skills represent meaning
  • understand that fact finding books help me plan my learning
  • evaluate my own work and comment on others
  • appreciate and enjoy singing within group situations
  • understand that my voice is a tool that I can use in different ways to create sound and rhythm
  • develop and use  mathematical language within all aspects of my play
  • use enquiry skills to gather, sort and display my findings
  • have a basic understanding of what living things need to grow and develop 

The children will be developing there knowledge and skills whilst learning about Growing.  This will include planting seeds and recording the growth cycle of eggs hatching into chicks. We hope that you will enjoy sharing in your child’s learning at home.

Please click on the link below to access songs and rhymes that will support your child’s learning at home.

Songs & Rhymes 2016

Through the Three Read Approach to literacy children will be focuses on characters, setting and problems as well as exploring new vocabulary within each story. Why not ask your child to share these elements of the story with you.

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