What’s on week beginning 28th March 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week.

Monday 28th March 2016

Public Holiday

Tuesday 29th March 2016

Lynn is on annual leave until Friday 1st April

Wednesday 30th March 2016

Thursday 31st March 2016

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Jen and Louise

Rhyme Time Stay and Play, what is our capacity for improvement for parents and carers with Elaine and Christine 1.15 pm until 2.15 pm

Friday 1st April 2016

Lynn attending a meeting at Craigneuk Family Learning Centre

Amanda OT will be in the early level playroom this morning

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Susan

Easter School Holiday Period Monday 4th April 2016 until Friday 15th April inclusive.




Little Miss Muffet

There was a fabulous turn out this week for our Rhyme Time Stay and Play session. A big thank you to all who have been attending and making this a successful programme. This weeks theme was “Little Miss Muffet” which is an old traditional rhyme which dates back to the 16th century. It was created by Dr. Muffet who was a famous entomologist who wrote the first scientific catalogue of british insects. The rhyme was inspired by his daughter who while eating her breakfast one morning was frightened by a spider.

After singing our songs and learning our rhyme we then went on to create some play dough spiders and played a game of trying to get the spiders out from their webs.  In the photographs below you can see just how much fun the families had playing together.

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What’s on week beginning 21st March 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week

Lynn will be in the early level playroom this week

Gillian, Head of centre from Forgewood Family Learning Centre will be spending some time in the centre this week

Monday 21st March 2016

Gillian will be out of the centre this afternoon

Tuesday 22nd March 2016

Lynn will be attending a Profiling and Planning meeting in Moodiesburn this morning

Mary Ann VI teacher will be in the centre this morning

Amanda OT will be in the centre this morning

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Gemma SLT will be in the centre this afternoon

Thursday 24th March 2016

Susan is on annual leave today

Elaine will be attending the final session of the Infant Mental Health course

Easter fun activities, visit from the Easter Bunny.   Easter Bonnets/Hats optional

Solihull Understanding your Child with Jen and Louise in the Parent Room

Bookbug Rhyme Time Stay and Play final session, with a visit from Bookbug

Elaine will be attending her VIG supervision session in St Brendans this afternoon

Today is the last day for acceptance of places allocated at the admissions panel.  Slips not returned will result in the place being offered to children on the waiting list.

Friday 25th and Monday 28th March Public Holiday for staff

Easter Hamper Raffle Draw will take place at 11.35 am  and 3.55 pm on Wednesday 23rd March 2016, all proceeds will go towards the family end of term event.

Eco News

The children have been working towards gaining our next Green Flag.  Our priorities are Litter, Food and the Environment and Transport.

SAM_2767Morning Eco Committee

SAM_2001Afternoon  Eco Committee

We have been discussing taking part in  ‘Walk to Nursery Week’ to raise awareness of the effects cars have on  air pollution.

We are planning a trip to the Healthy Living community garden and then the Café to find out more about how the food grown in the garden is used.  We will then organise visits to carry out  some planting of fruit and vegetables in the GBT community garden which we can then use at nursery for snack.

The children have also been tidying the nursery garden by litter picking and placing it in the bins.

Eco-Schools Logo

Look out for more updates on the Eco tree in the cloakroom!

Easter Fun

On Thursday 24th March 2016, we will be having a little Easter celebration. There will be an Easter egg hunt in the garden, an Easter bonnet/hat parade along with a visit from a very large hoping rabbit.

Each child has been given an Easter Egg to colour in to take part in a competition from Davidsons Animal Feeds, who are this year going to supply chocolate eggs for all the children.

All completed sheets should be returned to your child’s key worker before Friday 18th March 2016.  Good luck everyone as there is a special prize in store.

1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive



1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.

What great fun we all had at Rhyme Time, learning our rhyme and making the fish bounce and swim on the stretchy blanket. The children and parents got very excited when it was their turn to be a fish and created a little wiggle, wiggle as they pretended to swim before going on to make their own sparkly fish to take home. To compliment our rhyme this week the lovely Jen created a fantastic snack for us with our very own swimming fish and numbered cold meats and cheese. Thank you again to everyone who came along to join in learning together.

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Rainbow Room

It’s been great getting outside again in a more regular basis. The children have had so much fun exploring the mud kitchen and splash zone again. Indoors they have been keen to show off their building skills using lots of different materials just look at the concentration on their little faces they have been so proud of themselves.

What’s on week beginning 14th March 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week.

We welcome back Christine to work, following her period of sick absence.

Monday 14th March 2016

Gillian is on special leave today.

Jackie is on annual leave today.

Lynn will be in the birth to three nursery all week.

Tuesday 15th March 2016

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC today.

Amanda OT will be in the early level playroom.

Wednesday 16th March 2016

Wednesday Onsie for all the children today to raise awareness of autism in recognition of National Autistic Week, which Onsie will your child wear??? For more information speak to Amanda or Gemma Kelly, speech and language therapist.

Lynn will be attending NLC Conference today in Motherwell.

Parent Support Group meeting 1.10 pm with Jackie in the Parent Room.

Thursday 17th March 2016

Elaine will be attending the Infant Mental Health course this morning.

Solihull Understanding your Child’s Behaviour 9am in the Parent Room with Jen and Louise.

Bookbug Rhyme Time Parent/Carer stay and play session in the birth to three nursery.

Friday 18th March 2016

Jennifer Rhodes, Principal Teacher from Dykehead Primary School will be in the nursery all day today to meet the children who will be making their transition to school.

Solihull Understanding your Child’s Behaviour 1.15 pm in the Parent Room with Susan and Carol.

Karen Dental Health nurse will be in the nursery at 2 pm this afternoon.