Eco News

The children have been working towards gaining our next Green Flag.  Our priorities are Litter, Food and the Environment and Transport.

SAM_2767Morning Eco Committee

SAM_2001Afternoon  Eco Committee

We have been discussing taking part in  ‘Walk to Nursery Week’ to raise awareness of the effects cars have on  air pollution.

We are planning a trip to the Healthy Living community garden and then the Café to find out more about how the food grown in the garden is used.  We will then organise visits to carry out  some planting of fruit and vegetables in the GBT community garden which we can then use at nursery for snack.

The children have also been tidying the nursery garden by litter picking and placing it in the bins.

Eco-Schools Logo

Look out for more updates on the Eco tree in the cloakroom!