What’s happening week beginning the 5th October 2015

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom all week.

Carly is on leave, therefore Emma will be supporting the Dragonfly Group, Welcome Times.

Jackie is out of the nursery Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday delivering Play on pedals training to colleagues with North Lanarkshire Council.

Monday 5 th Oct

Amanda will be supporting the Caterpillar Group and Lauren in the Rainbow Room this morning whilst Christine and Elaine are preparing for the forthcoming Book Bug Family Rhyme Time Sessions.

Tuesday 6th Oct

Susan will be attending speech and language training today.

Wednesday 7th Oct

Forest School sessions with Nicola and Susan.

Yvonne Quigg, Pre five learning support teacher will be in the nursery today.

Lynn is on annual leave today.

Thursday 8th Oct

Siobhan is on annual leave today and tomorrow, therefore Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the Ladybird Group.

Irene McLaughlan, Head of Centre from Dunbeth Family Learning Centre will be supporting the nursery today whilst Lynn is on leave.

Gillian Learmouth, OT will be in the nursery today.

Friday 9th Oct

Sandra Ferguson, Head of Centre from Newmains Family Learning Centre will be supporting the nursery today whilst Lynn is on leave.

Forest School sessions with Nicola and Susan today.

Play on pedals

This is the last week of the early level Family Learning Play on Pedals sessions, we hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed supporting your child’s growing skill, confidence and development.